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if you sit next to the cave and draw it yes, or if the artist has sat there and drawn it then yes!

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Q: Are cave paintings primary sources
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What are some examples of primary sources sources?

diaries,photos,videos,paintings,and letters

How do the cave paintings in Africa compare to cave paintings in other parts of the world?

They are both cave paintings

What primary sources would you find Neolithic period?

Primary sources from the Neolithic period include tools and weapons made from stone, pottery, cave paintings or rock art, and burial sites with artifacts and human remains. Additionally, some written sources such as the Vinča symbols and the Çatalhöyük tablets provide insights into Neolithic societies and their symbols and written communication.

What was produced by prehistoric artists?

cave paintings...

Sculptures and cave paintings were a development of which period?

Sculptures and cave paintings were a development of Paleolithic period.

Which is oldest chauvet cave paintings Lascaux cave paintings or Venus of willendorf?

The Venus of Willendorf is a figurine made between about 28,000 and 25,000 BCE. The cave paintings of Lascaux are 17,000 years BP or before present time.

Do historians use mostly primary sources?

they use things that they already experienced with and carve them into cave`s

Where were cave paintings found?

The well known cave paintings are in Lascaux, France.

How are cave painting helpful for historian to write about history?

Cave paintings provide valuable insights into the prehistoric societies that created them, including their daily life, beliefs, and environment. Historians can use cave paintings to understand ancient cultures, their artistry, and possibly their communication systems. They help paint a picture of the past that complements other archaeological and historical sources.

The Fayum mummy portraits the Great Pyramid of Giza the Lascaux cave paintings the Altamira cave paintings which is the oldest?

the Altamira cave painting

What country will you find prehistoric paintings in chauvet and lascaux caves?

You will find prehistoric paintings in the Chauvet Cave in France. Lascaux Cave is also in France and is known for its famous prehistoric cave paintings.

What are the famous cave paintings?

Australian Aborigines still produce cave paintings.