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I am not sure, if they are actually toxic, but they are definitely bad for ferret lungs and skin.

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Q: Are cedar chips toxic to ferrets?
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I would like to use cedar shavings inside of my home to repel small rodents. Will the cedar shavings have an adverse effect on my grown cat?

Cedar shavings are safe for your grown cat. A cat can actually eat a cedar chip without adverse reaction, however they hate the smell so much that, as a general rule, they wont go near them. Cedar chips are often used outside to deter feral cats from specific areas, without harming them. They are also great for use in cat litter. The scent of cedar greatly reduces the smell of urine, which is a huge relief for many. The cedar wood is not toxic to your cat, but cedar oil is. Essential oils of any kind are toxic to cats and should be avoided at all cost. Good luck with your way with the rodents. Yoy should be the victor in no time by using cedar chips.

Will cedar chips repel cats?

Cedar chips will do a good job at keeping a cat out of an area that you have deemed off-limits. For this reason, it should never be used in the cat's litter box.

What cedar can you use for ferrets?

Cedar is not recommended. You may see pet stores using cedar or pine shavings as bedding for ferrets. Cedar shavings harbor bacteria and can cause allergies and respiratory problems in ferrets, also pine and other woods produce dust. Wood shavings are completely unnecessary for ferrets, you can use clean towels or old T-shirt for sleeping. Cedar shavings, white and yellow pines, release volatile hydrocarbons which can affect animals. Plicatic acid, a volatile hydrocarbon, results in asthma in humans and rabbits. Other hydrocarbons result in changes in the liver, which may impair its ability to detoxify certain drugs, including various anesthetic agents. Scientists over the years have alluded to possible carcinogenicity in cedar shavings.

Is red cedar good for snake bedding?

No. It is toxic for your snake.

Is it okay to feed a ferret chocolate?

Chocolate is toxic to ferrets, cats, and dogs. It can kill them

Where can you get ferret bedding from?

At most pet stores or on the internet (, ferret Ferrets like bedding that is soft and they can burrow into. They like to sleep covered up. You can use material you already have like t-shirts, flannel material, etc. as long as it's a fine weave. Ferrets are prone having their nails hang and get caught on loose woven fabrics sometimes causing injuries. Do not use any wood chips (cedar, pine), it can cause respiratory problems in ferrets.

How is ceder made?

Ceder (cedar) is actually grown rather than made. Cedar chips and wood comes from cedar trees. Cider is made by squeezing fruits and cooking them to create a drink.

Substitute for moth balls?

Cedar chips, lavender sachets, airtight garment bags.

Can a ferret get sick by eating chips?

Ferrets are carnivores and lack a cecum and an appendix, making them unable to properly digest any plant matter. Yes, chips could make a ferret sick and possibly cause stomach blockage. Please do not feed your ferrets chips. Advice from another contributor: I'm no expert in this area, but I have ferrets, and I don't think so. It takes no rocket scientist to figure out that a ferret shouldn't be fed on a diet of chips, or it would suffer from malnutrition, but some chips I think would do no harm at all. Make sure the furbetts (as I call them affectionately) have water if they're salty!

Can ferrets chew on tennis balls?

No, the rubber compound is not good for them. Tennis balls are toxic for any animals.

How do you stop moths from eating your sons bassinet without using moth balls?

Try cedar chips

Is cedar shingles toxic in a macaw cage?

I don't know whether cedar shingles are toxic in a macaw cage. If you have a pet macaw, I would consult a veterinarian before you put them in the cage. Parrots are very sensitive to many toxins, and everything from candle and cigarette smoke, or even dish soap residue or fumes from a non-stick pan can kill them. Therefor, if cedar is toxic to macaws, it could have a very devastating and rapid affect on a macaw.