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According to the "official" definition of ceramics, they are nonmetals.


"ceramic article-an article having a glazed or unglazed body

of crystalline or partly crystalline structure, or of glass,

which body is produced from essentially inorganic, nonmetallic

substances and either is formed from a molten mass

which solidifies on cooling, or is formed and simultaneously

or subsequently matured by the action of the heat."

However, there are many ceramics that are metal-non metal alloys.

As the metal-non metal alloys, they lack many metallic properties such as malleability. However, they do retain some properties such as being semi-conductors.

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13y ago

ceramic is non-metallic whereas metal is metallic in nature. ceramic can withstand high temperature whereas metal cant. ceramic is brittle in nature whereas metal is malleable in nature.

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12y ago

Porcelain is ceramic so it's a nonmetal.

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