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Yes... and no.

You can not get a 100% family bond right away, but there are some tips on how to do it quickly.

Using the Gotchi King DVD, Magokorotchi, or Unchi-kun raises the bonding level 3 points.

Here are the codes for those items, which are all rare. Go to the 5th option of your tamagotchi familitchi, and click special.

Gotchi King DVD: 07500 43795

Magokorotchi: 07201 43894

Unchi-kun: 07500 43694

When your family calls for training at certain times (10:00, 12:00, 2:00, 4:00, or 6:00) if your answer them in time, your bonding level will raise 40 points. If you want to cheat, you can set the clock time 1 minute before they will call. (I got a 100% bonding level in one day because of this)

If you're on the 2nd generation or higher, you can play the Golf Putt or Shoe Pairs games to also raise points.

There are 100 points for 10% of the bond, so 100% of the bond is 1,000 points.

These cheats are for the Tamagotchi Familitchi v5 version only.

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2w ago

There are no cheats or hacks to instantly achieve 100 family bonds on a Tamagotchi V5. Building family bonds requires consistent care and attention to your Tamagotchi characters by feeding them, playing with them, and responding to their needs. Enjoy the journey of nurturing your virtual pets!

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Q: Are cheats to get 100 family bonds on tamagotchi v5?
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Yes, but you have to have a pure family, to get a pure family you have to raise the bonding of the tamagotchi like : ex.10%-100%. You know to get the bonding of 100%, you have to set the time into 3:59 or 15:59, then after a minute your tamagotchi will ring and press the middle button to select what bonding you want! TY!!! Yes, but you have to have a pure family, to get a pure family you have to raise the bonding of the tamagotchi like : ex.10%-100%. You know to get the bonding of 100%, you have to set the time into 3:59 or 15:59, then after a minute your tamagotchi will ring and press the middle button to select what bonding you want! TY!!!

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