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Usually only when they begin the sentence.

He stepped on a branch while he was walking across the yard (no comma).

While he was walking across the yard, he stepped on a branch (comma)

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Q: Are commas used to set off participial and adverb clauses?
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What is a punctuation mark that is used between clauses of a compound sentence when a conjunction is not used?

The semicolon is used, often with a conjunctive adverb, or between independent clauses. A semicolon is also used between words in a series when parts of the series contain commas.

What are adverb clauses?

Adverb clauses are the main verb and the helping verb used together.

What is the difference between an indepent clause and a depent claues?

Commas are used differently when a clause is an independent clauses or if the clause is a dependent/subordinate clauses.

When an subordinate clause is used as an adjective when should you use a comma?

Use commas to separate clauses.

Should a semicolon be used to separate two phrases if one of them contains commas at all not just in a list?

If the two phrases are independent clauses, a semicolon would be appropriate regardless of whether either of the clauses contain commas within it.

Can when be an adverb?

Yes, but it is often a conjunction used in restrictive clauses (e.g. when we leave). It is used alone as an adverb in questions such as "When do we leave?"

What is a conjuctive adverb?

Used to express relationships between independent clauses.

Is walking purposefully an adverb?

They are two separate parts of speech. The word walking is a present participle (to walk) used as a noun or participial. Purposefully is an adverb.

Is making friends an adverb?

Neither word is an adverb. Making is the present participle of to make, here used as a participial noun with the object noun friends.

How are commas used in clauses?

To join together sentences whose subjects and predicates are similar and/or of the same overall subject.

Is meanwhile a conjunction?

No, it is not a conjunction. It is an adverb, a conjunctive adverb, used along with a semicolon to connect clauses (instead of a conjunction).

Is the word however a preposition or an interjection?

Neither "however" is a conjunctive adverb. It can be used as a conjunction when it joins main clauses, and it can be used as an adverb that modifies a clause.