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internet cookies can be bad, as they are the little spies that keep up with your online preferences as well as the contents of your shopping cart before you make the purchase on a website. Think of them as your Tivo, as tivo keeps up with what you watch, and what you are interested in, and from there, it tapes similar shows, which after a while, can tell you what you are really like. This can be scary and unnerving, though cookies are worse, as you don't get viruses, spam and unwanted junk from satellites or cable tv.

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16y ago
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12y ago

"No they're not. If they didn't exist you would not be able to "login" to facebook, Google, and nearly every other website on the internet."

What he is saying here is wrong.

You could login to sites without cookies. The only thing is that you could not have the option to remember your password for next time.

But back to your question. Cookies can be good and bad. The good ones, are like i've mention, you would be reconized on the internet. If ur filling an application of some sort, and want to fill the rest in some other time, and go to another website(but not closing ur browser. And then go back, the things you filled in will still be there.

The bad ones, are what are called 3rd part cookies. When you get a pop up and it refer to you as ur real name, or what city your from etc, so ppl will think that whats in the pop up is legit. Well its not. Its just the cookies that remember who you are.

3rd part cookies also makes your personal info less secure. It makes the life of spyware less hard.. Hackers can easlier get acsess to ur person info, using spyware, and get the info tru cookies. As i mention before, the cookies remember you and therefore many spyware attack goes tru cookies..

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7y ago

No, they are not particularly bad for you nor your computer. They store your activity on various sites. For instance, if you log onto a site, it is usually a cookie that remembers that you are logged in. They are not saved to your computer for emergencies, though you can look at them to find out what sites you used if you lose all your tabs.

As for why you are asking this question, there are sites that read the cookies placed by other sites. By doing so, other people can learn your web-browsing habits, your interests, where you shop online, and even your gender (maybe with a 70% accuracy). Certain sites are particularly bad about doing this, and thus is it good to delete their cookies when you find them.

One other reason people delete their cookies are if they were doing something they were not supposed to be doing. If your spouse is a computer buff and they find cookies from adult sites, cheater sites, social media sites, etc., that could cause some arguments or other tension.

On the lighter side: No, computer cookies are not bad for you. They contain no fat, no calories, no sodium, no carbohydrates, no preservatives, no allergens and no cholesterol. They are not animal tested either.

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9y ago

No computer cookies are not bad for you. They store the most searched web page in case of emergency.

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Are cookies of the computer bad?

no some sites need cookies if you want to do everything on that site but if you want to delete cookies i cant tell you how sorry

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Website Cookies are information used for particular computer users or IPs.

How do you get to your cookies?

It is in My Computer or Computer Icon you can delete it in yools

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Answer You can't print the list of cookies on your computer, but you could take a pen and write them down.

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cookies are really good ok ok but some tast bad

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Toys, shoes, cookies. Cookies and bad poetry.

Where does IE store cookies?

in my computer location is "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Cookies"

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Tools --> Clear Recent History --> Cookies.

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Go to tools/then choose internet options/then clear cookies.

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You will need to enable cookies on your computer. Unless you do this, Minecraft cannot communicate with your computer to process the transaction. See the related question below for how to enable cookies on your computer.

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