

Are condoms bad

Updated: 11/16/2022
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8y ago

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Some say condoms are bad because they make it easy to have sex w/o worrying about it. People might have casual sex - and plenty of it - instead of waiting until they're properly married.

Some say condoms are bad for religious reasons. People using condoms might not have as many children, and some religions say all who are able should have many children.

Condoms aren't 100% reliable either. So every year there are some accidental parents due to condoms failing, one way or another. They might not think condoms are that good either.

But I say condoms are overall good.

Used halfway right, they offer far, far better protection against pregnancies than "safe" periods and pulling out. They're the only protection against STD's during penetrating sex. And there are almost no side effects.

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Well latex condoms are good to prevent pregnancy for the most part but as opposed to latex or polyurethane condoms or animal skin condoms are all good but I recommend spermicidal lubricated condoms.

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Yes of course they do. Planned Parenthood is working with contraceptives so they are not giving out bad condoms.

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Prolly because young girls/boys don't use condoms or other types of protection! Teenage sex isn't bad if you know what you're doing. Use condoms it's not hard to get some, you can go to planned parenthood/women health clinic or clinics in your area for free condoms. You're young and have needs that's understandable. For guys: I know the feeling isn't the same, but that's the only way to do it with a condom.. It's safe protects from STDs!

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condoms, abstinance. condoms, abstinance.

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