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They are considered right. The progressive movement is considered left. Of course there are degrees to these labels and most people are in the center and it may depend on the issue in question. The one problem with giving a label to people is that it stops discussion and puts people in a box unable to solve mutual problems.

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Q: Are conservatives on the left or right political side?
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Why are conservatives considered on the right and liberals on the left?

The terms left wing and right wing originated during the French Revolution when supporters of the King began positioning themselves on the Kings right side and opponents on his left side.

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The scope of political ecology can sometimes be represented as a scale from left to right. On the lefthand scale are the Liberal individuals, and on the righthand side are the Conservatives. Moderates are individuals that fall somewhere in the middle.

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The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, and the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body.

How did the left party get its name?

Its a big question, but I'll at at least try to make a start.Leftist political parties are characterised by socialist policies, such as universial health care, free education,businesses under more government regulation,more even distribution of wealth,less privatisation of essential services(electricity, water,etc) Plus they are on the left of the political spectrum which is the liberal side if they were on the far left of the political spectrum they would be considered radicals or extreme liberalist

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"Izquierda" is a Spanish word that means "left" in English. It is commonly used to refer to the political left or the left side of the body.

Which side is left or right on a vehicle?

The left and right side of the vehicle is determined as if you are sitting in it facing forward. Left is the driver side and right is the passenger side.

How do you know what is the right side or left side of an engine?

You determine left and right by sitting in the driver's seat. Driver's side is LEFT, Passenger side is right.

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when it goes to the right side you go to the left side and there will be a tunnel. when it goes to the right side you go to the left side and there will be a tunnel. when it goes to the right side you go to the left side and there will be a tunnel. when it goes to the right side you go to the left side and there will be a tunnel. when it goes to the right side you go to the left side and there will be a tunnel. jump out, get it now

What part of the brain is damaged if the right side of the body is weak?

Damage to the left side of the brain can lead to weakness on the right side of the body. This is because the left side of the brain controls the movements of the right side of the body.

what is the right and left side of boat called?

the left side is port and the right side is starboard

What side is the converse logo on?

Its on the right side on the left shoe and on the left side on the right shoe.