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No, they are not. Unline the Jitterbug, Cricket phones are people of all ages.

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Related questions

Can you use straight talk phones with cricket?

No, only straight talk phones purchased at Walmart will work

Do cricket phones work nationwide?

According to their specifications, yes they do work nationwide. They may still be subject to roaming areas just like any other cell phones. Cricket offers a nationwide 3G network, which covers most of the country. There is a coverage map on the Cricket website indicating which states do not have coverage. However, Cricket phones and plans are only available for purchase in some states.

Can a instinct be flashed to cricket?

Yes, it can. It can be flashed talk/text/internet only! No picture mail is available for these phones.

Can you buy a phone from someone and activate it from the Cricket stores?

Nope they only allow and activate they own cell phones.

Is a cricket refill card only for non contract?

Yes... contract phones are usually paid monthly - by direct debit.

Are there any Android phones that will work with both Cricket and T-mobile?

no, not unless Cricket has changed their phone. You see T mobile has a SIM card and the only other companies that have that is AT&T . You can used an unlocked AT&T phone on T mobile or vice versa but not cricket

Can you use an ATT phone for cricket?

You cannot flash it since at&t is a GSM or "chip" phone it can only be flashed to other carriers that are GSM such as T Mobile or telcel, and cricket is a CDMA which can be flashed from phones such as sprint, verizon and alltel.

Can a Sidekick 2 be flashed to Cricket?

Okay here is the correct answer: If the phone does NOT have a Sim card it CANT be flashed into cricket. Only phones without a Sim card can be flashed. But there might be a solution to that because the sidekick doesn't require a Sim card to work so just call cricket to verify that you are able to flash it before you go to the store.

What is sporting activteis?

cricket there is only 1 sporting activity and it is cricket

Who is the father of modern cricket?

sachin tendulkur is only the father of modern cricket.... "if cricket is a religion sachin is a god"

In Collodi's version of Pinocchio what was the cricket called?

In Collodi's version, he was only known as the talking cricket.

Do all phones work with vectone?

only unlocked phones