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Q: Are crohn's disease patients immunocompromize
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Will crohns disease be auto decline for health insurance?

In most cases yes. Crohns disease patients find it very difficult to get standard and affordable health/life insurance. Premiums for diagnosed patients when available tend to be very high.

Can crohns be confused with appendicitis?

Yes. Many Crohns sufferers prior to being diagnosed with the disease will have had a diagnosis of appendicitis and many patients will have that organ removed. Severe appendicitis has similar symptoms to a Crohns flare up.

What are some of the digestive system?

crohns disease crohns disease

How often is bariatric surgery for Crohns patients needed?

The best I can tell you is that bariatric programs with a large number of patients and with long-term follow-up may be able to offer statistics of patient numbers with Crohns. I am aware that a study was planned in 2006 but I have not been able to find the results. Bariatric surgery for Crohns patients would likely be low since active Crohns disease causes rapid weight loss and nutritional deficiencies. Doctors often recommend that patients with severe Crohns beef up a little as a hedge against the next crisis. Morbidly obese Crohns patients are not common.

What are some crohns disease diet recipes?

The following link is an excellent resource for accommodating the diet of Crohns' Disease patients. They provide frequently updated recipes, a blog and a list of books for further reading.

Can Crohns Disease turn to Cancer?

Yes. Some studies have shown as much as a five times increased risk in the development of intestinal cancer in patients with Crohns disease as compared to the general population. This should not make you panic however. More than 90% of IBD patients never develop cancers and because of the increased testing done on bowel disease patients those who do develop cancers are almost always caught early and survival rates are better than those who are not diagnosed as early.

What are the effects of the flu on a person with crohns disease?

Actually, the symptoms of Crohns disease are very similar to those of the flu. Most undiagnosed Crohns patients believe for a long period of time that they actually have the flu when in fact they are having a flare of Crohns disease. On the reverse, a veteran patient of Crohns will often experience the symptoms of the flu and suspect they are having a flare. The treatments for each are very different, so a Crohns patient needs to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

How many types of crohns disease are there?

There is only one type of Crohns disease. Crohns disease can manifest anywhere in the digestive tract but it is the same disease no matter where it appears.

Is bipolar linked with crohns disease?

is bipolar and crohns disease linked together

Can you get Crohn's disease?

There is no know cause of Crohns disease at this time. Research is ongoing as to the causes of Crohns disease.

Can you have a baby if you have crohns?

Yes , Crohns patients can have children. Of course it is depending of what medications you are taking for the Crohn's, some medicines used to control the disease can effect the baby if you get pregnant while taking them.

Can crohn's disease be linked to drug abuse?

No. Drug abuse history has never been linked to Crohns disease. Children as young as 3 can develop Crohns disease. Crohns is not something you have done to yourself.