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No, people become American citizens from all around the world every day. That's why theres such a fuss about illegal Mexicans coming across the border.

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Q: Are descendants the only group of immigrants?
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Only about half of all American citizens are descendants of earlier immigrants?

yo ahsss

What groups of people of rome were considered 'plebeians'?

There was only one group of people who were plebeians and thy were the descendants of one of the two founding groups of the city.There was only one group of people who were plebeians and thy were the descendants of one of the two founding groups of the city.There was only one group of people who were plebeians and thy were the descendants of one of the two founding groups of the city.There was only one group of people who were plebeians and thy were the descendants of one of the two founding groups of the city.There was only one group of people who were plebeians and thy were the descendants of one of the two founding groups of the city.There was only one group of people who were plebeians and thy were the descendants of one of the two founding groups of the city.There was only one group of people who were plebeians and thy were the descendants of one of the two founding groups of the city.There was only one group of people who were plebeians and thy were the descendants of one of the two founding groups of the city.There was only one group of people who were plebeians and thy were the descendants of one of the two founding groups of the city.

Why was the US been called a nation of immigrants?

Because the majority of the people in the US are either immigrants themselves or the descendants of immigrants. Only the Native Americans (aka American Indians) do not consider themselves descendants of immigrants, however all their ancestors did imigrate to America during the last ice age or shortly thereafter.

What percentage of US citizens are either immigrants or are descendants of immigrants?

Almost all of them

What group in Mexico had the hightest rank in society?

Spaniards, also known as Peninsulares, qualified as such; they were followed by the criollos, or descendants of Spanish immigrants born in the New World.

Who are the American born Spaniards?

Creoles are descendants of French and Spanish immigrants.

Why did Americans immigranted?

I would like to say, the only "Americans" who have the right to be afraid of immigrants are the natives. Seeing as most modern Americans who are descended from the original settlers, are descendants of immigrants (more precisely, criminals from Britain)

What percentage of U.S. citizens are either immigrants or descendants of immigrants?

99%. The remaining 1% of the population is Native American/ Native Alaskan.

What are birds direct descendants to?

Birds are direct descendants to the dinosaur group theropoda.

Is there an organization for descendants of immigrants to the US 1600s like the DAR?

There are many organizations for early immigrants to the United States: * The Roger Williams Family Society * National Society of Old Plymouth Colony Descendants * The Society of Mayflower Descendants * Jamestowne Society * DAR/SAR Good luck in getting connected!

What country does augusto pinochet come from?

He was born in Valparaiso Chile, but his parents were descendants of french immigrants.

What group believed that only long ago immigrants could become Americans?

There has always been a belief that immigrants could become citizens. The country started as a nation of immigrants and immigrants built the railroads, industry’s, towns, arts, and were involved in the political system.