

Are dodos' Dutch birds

Updated: 11/13/2022
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11y ago

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Dodo birds were Dutch birds. They don't live in our world anymore because the Dutch pirates and community ate them. Dodo birds could not fly and they were giant birds weighing 25kg or more, at least seven times the weight of any pigeon which can fly. Dodo lived on Mauritius island, in the Indian ocean.The island were discovered by the Portuguese. But soon, French and English ships now stopped there.Sailors used to kil dodos for food. Another extinct which led to the rapid extinction of the dodos was the fact that pigs and monkeys factor ate the dodo eggs, and the pigs killed off the parent birds. the fact that the dodo was a flightless bird was an obvious disadvantage. the dodo bird survived until 1681,and is multiplied extinct. thank you for reading. I'm nine years old.

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The dodo, or Raphus cucullatus, are thought to have gone extinct due to Dutch explorer-sailors catching the birds to eat. Dodo birds had no fear of humans. The Dutch explorers went to Mauritius in 1598 and within 80 years, the Dodo birds were extinct from over-hunting practices.

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no, dodos are extinct

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dodos died out in 1735.

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Nope, dodos have been extinct since 1690. There are no dodos in any zoos.

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no dodos are shy birds and most shy birds do not sing

What were dodos hunted by?

dodos lived in mauritius. mauritius did not have people living on it till 15 something. the people that settled there, the dutch, hunted them for their meat and bones.

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Neither there both extinct

Lists of Dutch activities in mauritius from 1598 to 1638?

the dutch killed all the dodos in Mauritius. they build many buildings in Mauritius.

When were the dodos decoverd?

Dodo birds were when dinosaurs were on earth and ben discovered in 1861

Are dodo birds endangered?

Dodos aren't endangered any more. They became extinct in 17th century as in there aren't any dodos around any more. :(

What are some extinctions other than dinosaurs?

dodos, elephant birds, passenger pigeons