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Considering the areas of their bodies I've seen them lick, no.

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Q: Are dogs mouths cleaner than a human?
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Is a dog mouth cleaner than a cat mouth?

Actually, no. Cats also have cleaner mouths than humans, and they may possibly have cleaner mouths than dogs because their saliva destroys germs better than dog's saliva does. No dogs mouths are cleaner

Are cats' mouths cleaner than dogs' mouths?

I don't have any idea!

Is dogs mouth cleaner than human's mouth?

No, a dogs mouth is not cleaner than humans because they dont brush their teeth and floss to keep all the germs away. They also eat sometimes out the bins and some drink out the toilet. So then there you have it! Dogs mouths are not cleaner than humans.

Why are dogs' mouths cleaner that humans?

Dogs mouths are cleaner than humans because the food that they eat actually turns into toothpaste and breath mints. And, yes, this is true. I am a librarian, so i would know.

How is dog mouth is cleaner than human?

That would be a myth. A dogs mouth is not cleaner than a human's mouth.

Are dogs germs cleaner than human germs?

Humans' and dogs' mouths have roughly the same amount of germs. However, humans brush their teeth more often and more thoroughly than dogs, so ours is probably cleaner. There is a myth that dogs' mouths have less germs than those of humans, but this has been proven to be false.

Is it safe for your dog to lick your face?

Yes, it might to be hard to believe but dogs mouths are cleaner than yours!!

Do dogs have cleaner mouths than humans do?

You would think that humans had the cleaner mouth of the two, but actually dogs do. the dogs have a cleaner mouth because they have a germ fighting bacteria in their saliva.yes, they are it is a fact to. so you better believe it, dogs have some kind of bacteria fighter in there food.

Who is spit is cleaner dogs or humans?

A dog's mouth is actually far cleaner than a human's.

Do dogs have cleaner mouths then cats?

A cat's mouth is cleaner. The average cat mouth has about 16-18 different types of bacteria, while the dog mouth has over 60 different types. They tend to have less because they open their mouths less often, thus not attracting so many microorganisms from the outside world, while the dog is constantly panting and breathing heavily through their mouths. Another reason because of this is that dogs tend to lick and bite things more than cats, whether it's exploring a new object or person that came into the house, drinking toilet water, or eating dirty socks. Cats, on the other hand, sniff and paw things when they want to play and only occasionally bite. A cat's mouth is also cleaner because of their eating habits.

Does a cat have the cleaniest mouth?

yes dogs surely have a cleaner mouth than human.. some people think that they are dirty because they eat poop and dead things...but that's not true dogs mouths sterilize every 15 seconds. cats mouths are alco cleaner than humans.let me ask you this.. have you ever been around a cat that smelled bad...probably not....what about a dog.. a human...indefinatly..cats are thecleanest animals over all... but a dogs mouth is even cleaner.... i always let my cat lick the palm of my hand..when hes done my hands feel cleaner than after i wash them..squirrels and mice and other rodents actually have the dirtiest mouth then us..

Is there more gerns on a dogs tongue then a human?

N. A dogs mouth is actually cleaner than a humans.