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Yes. Occasionally, a motor or something like that will injure or kill a dolphin. Additionally, in some countries like the Solomon Islands and Japan, some tribal areas will kill dolphins for food.

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Q: Are dolphins being killed by boats?
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Related questions

What are dolphins killed for?

Dolphins are being killed for their meat ,money and sometimes are killed by captivity sadly.

Why are dolphins being killed for commercial purposes?

People eat them.

Have dolphins ever jumped on boats?

yes. but very few dolphins have jumped on boats. most are on accident.

Why are so many dolphins being killed?

there are a lot of reasons why dolphins are being killed like litter, people mistaking them for sharks,and just for there skins.

How many dolphins are killed in a day?

about 25 dolphins are killed in one day!!

Is Maui dolphins endangered?

because boats net and you!!

Are fishermen and commercial boats allowed to capture antarctic dolphins?


How many dolphins are killed by plastic beer holders in a year?

About 12,000 dolphins are killed each year

What is being done to prevent Bottle nose dolphins from being extinct?

there is a sponser that you can adopt bottle nosed dolphins it is : Actually, there arent any more sponsors because we killed them. Sorry. there is still a sponser

How are dolphins being protected from being endangered?

dolphins are being protected by always being around other dolphins all the time

What are manatees killed for?

They are not killed purposely they are accidentally run over by boats

What enemies does dolphin have?

A dolphins biggest enemy is humans. they can get hit by boats and stuff