

Are dolphins soft

Updated: 12/24/2022
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13y ago

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they feel leathery and smooth but not soft

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Q: Are dolphins soft
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Are Dolphins Hard Or Soft?


Are dolphins skin soft?

well it depends but mostly is is veary soft

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What is a dolphins neck like?

it is very soft and poopy

From which retailers can one purchase a soft close toilet seat?

You can purchase a soft close toilet seat either from a Homeware / BAthroom showroom such a 'Dolphins' or from Haberdashery stores such as 'Amazon' or 'John Lewis'

How do dolphins and penguins stay warm?

Dolphins have blubber layers that keep their internal temperatures warm. Penguins have different layers of feathers, the first layer is a soft down layer to stay warm, and the outerlayer is water resistant.

Why do dolphins and sharks look similar?

Sharks and dolphins are not related as sharks are fish and dolphins aquatic mammals. Sharks originate from small fish and dolphins from land living ferret like animals. Their spines both bend in different directions; dolphins move up and down and shraks from side to side. Dolphins are much closer related to dogs than they are to sharks.

Why do they need a soft dorsal fin?

dolphins need a soft dorsal fin because of their way of swimming. If they were to have a hard, sharp, stiff or even ruff fin it would put weight on them and e tilt them to the side which then would interfere with their other fins.

Are dolphins going extinct?

only one species of dolphins at this time that are going extinct are the pink river dolpinsHector's dolphins (New Zealand dolphins) are also in danger of becoming extinct. The endangered river dolphins are Amazon River dolphins, Ganges River dolphins, Chinese White dolphins, Indus River dolphins, and La Plata River dolphins.

Are Dolphins vertebrates or invertebrates?

Dolphins are vertebrates.

Are dolphins extinct?

No, but some species of dolphins are endangered, like the Indus River dolphins and the Yangtzee River dolphins. The pink Amazon River dolphins and the Ganges River dolphins are classed as

How are female dolphins and male dolphins alike?

they are both dolphins.