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Q: Are earthquakes caused by slab pull?
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Should you pay for slab insurance when the insurance company say they will not pay a claim if the slab cracked and caused a leak?

If you have a history of slab leaks, slab insurance may be the way to go. If your leaks are caused by earthquakes, then you may want to have the insurance, but it is not the most common, overall, for a slab leak to be caused by shifting/cracked slab. Your decision should be based on whether you think there is a good chance that a slab leak will happen again.

Is convection a slab-pull or slab-push?

Convection is a slab-pull

Is a divergent a slab-push a slab-pull?

convergent boundary

What is a type of movement caused by earthquakes?

when the plates pull of from each other.

What is a good sentence for slab pull?

Our monster truck is certain to win the slab pull competition.

Why not have a one slab sidewalk?

Because of earthquakes

What slab pull describe?

Slab pull is the force which is caused by the sinking of the cold, dense lithosphere into the mantle. It is considered as one of the two major driving forces for the movements of tectonic plates.

What is thought to be the main driving force behind plate movement?

slab pull

The main source of downward convection flow in the mantle is called?

slab pull

What is the difference between ridge push and slab pull?

Ridge push is a gravitation force that causes a plate to move away from the crest of an ocean ridge, and into a subduction zone. The Slab pull force is a tectonic plate force due to subduction. The difference is the force of motion.

What happens when a slab sinks?

Slab pull occurs when two plates stick together.

What does the scientific term Slab pull mean?

Slab pull means the movement of tectonic plates due to currents in the mid-mantle, this causes subduction.