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There is research being done and tests being run, nothing has yet confirmed that they have actually successfully used the procedure to cure any real disease yet. There is massive discussions about this and there has not been evidence of any further procedures to happen.

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Q: Are embryonic stem cells being used to treat diseases?
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Why do we use human embryos to treat some diseases?

They do not treat all diseases. For the diseases they can treat the embryonic cells can provide replacements for the failing (or entirely missing) cells that due to their absence cause the disease.

For in the use of embryonic stem cells?

Embryonic stem cells are used to treat a variety of diseases. Stem cells also help organs and tissues repair themselves.

Can embryonic stem cells or adult stem cells be used to treat someone's Degenerative Disc Disorder?

Researches believe embryonic stem cells or adult stem cells can be used to treat someone\'s Degenerative Disc Disorder.

What are some of the current experimental ways that stem cells are being used to treat diseases?

nothing..... i love you!

How are stem cells beneficial?

They can replace cells to treat or cure diseases.

How can stem cells treat diseases and injuries?

cause it has nectar

How can stem cells be used to treat diseases like diabetes?

Weird fellow!There is no way to cure diabetes with stem cells.

How might stem cells most likely be used in the future to treat human diseases?

Stem cells could potentially be used as a source of renewable healthy cells and tissues.

What diseases are stem cell technologies used to treat?

Stem cell technologies are being developed to treat many diseases such as Cancers and Parkinsons. They are currently used for bone marrow transplants.

What diseases are being treated with monoclonal antibodies?

Monoclonal antibodies are commonly used to fight a large number of diseases including cancer. The monoclonal antibodies fight the disease by targeting a certain antigen and recruiting the body's natural immune system to destroy the antigen-infected cells.

What are the advantages of using stem cells to treat a wide range of diseases?

my dad says 5/10 but i say 8/10

How infusing dye into cells helps treat diseases?

The dye will colour the cell, making the cell easier to view through a microscope.