

Are ferrets evil and vicious

Updated: 11/13/2022
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12y ago

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**Note to Append Answer, the above question was edited from the original "Why are ferrets evil and vicious"**

First and foremost, this is a loaded question. The propensity for "evil" is a human attribute. No animal can be "evil".

Insofar as the "viciousness" of a ferret, it weighs less than 5 pounds. So long as you temper this notion of viciousness with the understanding that it could not possibly hope to win a fight against an average newborn human infant, then that may have some validity.

Un-neutered males have a tendency to be more aggressive, but your likelihood of receiving an unaltered animal as a pet in the U.S.A. is quite small, without specifically requesting one.

Once altered, the ferret can be as placid and docile as any dog or house cat, in most cases, more so.

Ferrets are the second oldest domesticated animal on earth, after dogs and before cats. They have also been the most heavily bred selectively to produce an amendable version of their wild polecat ancestors. As a result of this selective breeding, they no longer possess the necessary skills to survive in the wild. They cannot successfully hunt, fight and survive on their own; thus, there are no wild populations of feral domestic ferrets. This fact alone should prove to you the lack of ferocity inherent to the species.

Ferrets are complicated animals to keep as pets, their genealogy and history of being used as hunting animals and rodent catchers lends itself to the public misconception that such an animal as is used by man to kill must be particularly fierce. In fact, the "killer instinct" of a ferret is no different than that displayed by your house cat. They do not necessarily kill for food, but rather, play, and entertainment.

The principle reason for their use as hunters, rather than cats, is their reliable and predictable nature. If you put a ferret in front of a burrow, it is a certainty that he will run down it and immediately return chasing whatever was down there.

If you tried to cram a cat down a burrow, you would simply loose a pint of blood and give up after some period of time. This is not "viciousness" on the part of the ferret, quite the contrary, the cat's reaction would be far more "vicious"... The ferret simply is built, wrought, engineered and designed by nature and man to run into small openings and "ferret out", (hence the term), whatever may be hiding in there.

As has been previously stated, ferrets require special consideration as pets, nipping with their teeth is their instinctual form of play, and when you get them, they will be used to playing with other ferrets, not people. It takes training and patience on your part to teach them that you are a much larger ferret than they, and they would do well not to nip the "big ferret".

Once that training has been established, you are far more likely to be given a worse "love bite" from your cat than anything you would receive from a well handled and trained ferret. Through the spryness of youth, the active play of the ferret will include running up to "nip" you...In simulation of an ambush attack. As time and training progress, this eventually becomes a "kiss" rather than a nip, a running up and licking you once, and bounding off.

If you are thoughtful and intelligent enough to understand the requirements of keeping and supporting ferrets as pets, you should have a good experience. The worst attributes of a prospective ferret, (any pet but especially ferrets), owner are ignorance and apathy.

They require a higher level of involvement, training, and capital than either cats or dogs.

advise from other contributors:

If you think ferrets are so evil and vicious, its the cause of it's owner. It has been abused, mistreated and denied proper care.

Ferrets that are abused, not handled properly or enough, left alone and caged for long periods of time can become aggressive, and will bite out of "fear" - they are "fear biters" Ferrets can also be easily stressed be loud noises, and unusual situations. They also may have an unknown injury or pain you may not be aware of. I read about a ferret that was adopted and kept biting, when taken to the vet and examined - the ferret had almost every bone in it's body broken at various times and was in pain. Another ferret that was adopted from someone who had kept it in a bucket placed in a barn, and upon vet examination revealed a head fracture in two places

Ferrets are not evil

You can't just leave ferrets in a cage. You have to take them out and bond with them every day and play with them. If you don't ferrets may bite, but it is your fault not the ferrets! You need to spend time with your ferrets, they're not gerbils . They also can bite when You first get them as babies or due to prior abuse/neglect but they soon become tame as you gain their trust. It can take alot of patience and time to do so.

Most ferrets are not evil and vicious. You may have one that has had bad relations with people. Ferrets are NOT vicious and mean. I have taken in MANY ferrets that people have told me that they were vicious or bit. I did not have the same problems these people were having. It all takes Gentleness, Love and TRAINING and patience. Baby ferrets tend to nip, and do not usually bite. They have to be trained. Use bitter apple and it makes you taste awful can be found at any pet store, just ask! If a ferret is nipping at your toes or feet or gently slide the ferret away with your foot. GENTLY! Just stand still. If you jump and scream then they think it is a game. NEVER hit a ferret! NEVER smack them on the head. It it is a friends ferret purchase bitter apple and take it with you and put it on you (it's a spray) where the ferret might nip you. If you are getting nipped or bit as you might call it. Don't be afraid to ask for help. There are plenty of ferret owners around you that would gladly help! Find a ferret website or read ferret training guides. Someone is always willing to help! Ferrets are NOT vicious or mean, they are afraid! Someone has done something to make them afraid. A nip is fear! A ferret want to play with you and love you! You need to return the favor!
well it depends on where you are getting it, the living conditions it is in, the food u give it etc. No they are only vicious if you starve them(who whould do that?) or if you neglect them

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