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Flame point Siamese cats are also known as Colorpoint Shorthair. No, Flame point Siamese cats are not all males; there are also females.

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Q: Are flame point Siamese all males?
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Is the flame point Siamese cat rare?

This is my Thomas he is my beautiful cat and friend. I found him at the dog rescue in Logan Co. They had him as a farm cat. I knew when I saw him he was special I got him as a kitten.. He is my buddy I love him so much. One of my friends found out what he was..I am a proud owner of him..

What does a point look like?

If you are talking about a flame point Siamese cat, I can tell you. They have orange ears and nose, and orange striped tails, and are all white besides that. They occasionally ( mine does, I have one) can have orange tails. Let me tell you the story of my kitten Siamese. We had two normal parents and this kitten got bigger and one day my grandpa found a picture of him online! A Flame Point Siamese KITTEN! We have no idea how he came to be one, his parents weren't Siamese, surely!

How much is a flame point Siamese worth?

How much a Flame Point Siamese cat is worth depends on various things including if it is pet quality or show quality. When purchasing a cat, you can expect to pay anywhere from about $100 and up depending on where you purchase the cat. Most cat owners cannot put a price on the value of their pets and to them, they are priceless.

Do Siamese cats like to sleep?

I'm pretty sure all cats like to sleep at some point in life.

Is a Siamese a cat or a dog?

first of all, bread is a food and there is no Siamese bread. however Siamese is a cat BREED

Siamese is a bread for cats or dogs?

first of all, bread is a food and there is no Siamese bread. however Siamese is a cat BREED

Is the Siamese cat unicellular or multicellular?

The Siamese is multicellular, and this applies to all breeds of cat.

What is the difference between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Siamese?

Well first of all...A Yorkshire is a dog. A Siamese is a cat. Yorkies bark loud and Siamese's' meow. Yorkies are brown, and Siamese's' are usually gray or tan.

Your male flame point Siamese has lost muscle mass and weightHe used to sleep a lot more than the other cats he eats and plays and does not appear to be in pain?

We are not vets on this sight, so it would be to your best interest to take your male Siamese cat to the vets for a good all round physical and tell the vet about the muscle mass loss. It could simply be the cat is getting older or is less active. You know the old saying "You don't use it you lose it!"

Are Siamese snowshoe cat are mammals or not?

Snowshoe cats are a variant of Siamese cats. Like all cats, they are mammals.

Are Siamese cats hairless?

No they should remain the same. ----------------------- It depends what light they're in, as ALL cats are tabbys, but you just can't see their stripes most of the time. The easiest places to see the stripes are the paws and the tail. --- No, not all cats are tabbies. Cats that are not tabbies are called selfs and you cannot see tabby markings anywhere. Your Siamese is a tabby or lynx-point Siamese. Not all shows accept this, but most do. If the markings are only on the tail and not on the face or legs, it may be considered a fault in breed standards.

What does not belong boxer beagle siamese or terrier?

Siamese is a cat, all of the others you mentioned are three different types of dogs.