

Best Answer
GANG AWARENESSBy Boris Pallominy

1451 Seven Locks Rd

Rockville, MD 20854


Today, many communities including yours are facing serious problems with gangs. As a member of the community, you may feel helpless against gangs, but there are things you can do by yourself, and in conjunction with community resources and the authorities, to prevent or reduce gang problems in your neighborhood. Also, as a parent, there's a lot you can do to keep your own children from joining gangs.

One of the first things you can do is learning about gangs and signs of gang activity.

Join with others to make or keep your neighborhood gang-free, additionally, sharpen your skills as a parent and use them.

Nowadays, very young people, as young as 8 or 10 years old, are joining gangs in ever-growing numbers in all parts of the country. When asked, the reasons they give for joining a gang are remarkably similar:

  • To belong to a group.
  • For excitement.
  • To get protection.
  • To earn money.
  • To get drugs.
  • To be with friends.
  • To be popular.
  • Because it's "cool."

Gangs leave signs of their presence everywhere. As gang members, young people may adopt, and display, specific behavior, such as:

  • Wearing specific colors or emblems.
  • Using special hand signals.
  • Wearing or drawing gang symbols, on walls as graffiti or on books, paper or clothing.
  • Wearing certain kinds or color of clothing in very specific ways.
  • Possessing unexplained, relatively large sums of money.
  • Declining grades and interest in school.
  • Staying out without good reason.
  • "Hanging" with known or suspected gang members.
  • Carrying weapons and/or drugs.
  • Skipping school.
  • Getting in trouble with the law.

A gang is a group of two or more individuals that get together with the purpose of engaging in criminal activity.

A group of friends hanging out or playing sports or studying is not a gang, because they are not committing any crime.

Historically, gangs have been created by groups of individuals that share common traits, realities or problems. Originally, gangs resulted as means of protection against other groups of individuals, but over time, gangs started committing crimes and engaging in criminal activities for profit.Today, gangs fight with each other for control of territory. The reason why gangs want to control territory is so they can traffic and sell drugs to the residents living in those territories. Additionally, gangs engage in prostitution, extortion of business and homeowners, the selling and buying of guns, armed robberies et cetera.

In order to control a territory, gangs need to be big and strong in numbers, that is why gangs are constantly recruiting new members from the territories they have encroached in. Furthermore, the bigger the number of members of a gang, the more illicit business they will be able to do. In years past, gangs use to recruit only young males within their ethnic or racial groups, but today, gangs recruit across cultural, gender and racial lines, the main goal is rapid increase in numbers.


When asked, many gang members say they originally joined because the gang offered them support, caring and a sense of order and purpose; all the things most parents try to give their kids. The odds are that the better you meet these needs, the less need your children will see for gangs.


Get involved!

Be alert; look for sudden changes in your children's behavior. Keep an eye on your children's grades and behavior in school.

In the school, put a high value on education and help your child do his or her best in school. Do everything possible to prevent dropping out. Stay in touch with your children's teacher, get to know them by name, call them frequently. Visit their school regularly, ask what is new, what new programs they have, do they need help or volunteers for some of those programs. Ask what kind of student is your child, ask if there is anything you can do to help in their education, check if they do their homework everyday. If they tell you the teacher did not give them any homework, call the teacher and ask yourself.

At home, talk with and listen to your child. Spend some special time with each child. Help your kids identify positive role models and heroes, especially people in your community. Do everything possible to involve your children in supervised, positive group activities. Praise them for doing well and encourage them to do their very best to stretch their skills to the utmost.

Know what your children are doing at all times, and with whom. Know about their friends and their friends' families, visit their friends' houses, meet their parents, see how they live, what kind of persons are they. Get phone numbers and full addresses in case of an emergency, provide your information to them, just in case, ask them to call you if something happens.

About gangs.

Tackle the issue of gangs head on. It is important to discuss with your child gangs and the problems they can create. Do not wait until they are about to join a gang to start talking about them. The best time to talk about gangs is before there's a major problem.

Let your child know very clearly that:

  • You disapprove of gangs.
  • You don't want to see your child hurt or arrested.
  • You see your child as special, and worth protecting.
  • You want to help your child with any problems he or she might face.
  • Family members don't keep secrets from each other.
  • You and other parents are working together against gangs.
  • Listen to what your child has to say.

Tell your child that if they suspect gang activity in your area, they should tell immediately so you can contact the police immediately. Let your child know that gang presence in the area often lead to crime problems, and the police should be made aware of any potential problem areas.

As a parent, make sure you develop positive alternatives, such as after-school and weekend activities kids can enjoy; these activities can include reading clubs, sports teams and clubs, leadership training, dance classes, Martial Arts, painting or drawing classes, piano or other instruments classes et cetera.

Remember that not only schools offer these programs; there are community centers that offer a great variety of classes, training and education.

Do not forget to ask your kid what are his/her interests, what classes does he/she want to attend, do not force them to take any class, this will create another set of problems you do not need.

Finally, as a parent and as an active member of your community, work with the police and other agencies in preventing or eliminating gang problems in your neighborhood.

Always report all suspicious activity. Set up a Neighborhood Watch or a community patrol; Let the police know about gang graffiti. Get the facts on the gang problem in your community. Find out what local services, non-profit as well as government, will work with communities to help avoid gang problems.

My Motto is:

" crime prevention through education."

Boris F. Pallominy

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