

Are garden snakes safe pets for kids?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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10y ago

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No, not for anybody

Garden (or Garter) snakes can be pefectly safe pets for kids. Wild Caught ones can sometimes be flighty and may bite but their bites are very very minor and although they MAY cause some bleeding it is no worse than a pinch in most cases, more often than not the snake will actually defecate on you rather than try to bite you. They can be great pets once they get accustomed to you though and pose no danger to kids. Just make sure to instruct the children in question how to properly handle the snake and to respect it just like any other pet. Now I am not one to cover up things however minor they are but Garter Snakes are actually VERY VERY minorly venomous. Now when I say minorly I'm talking that scientists didn't even know it had venom until recently so you can be assured that they are absolutely harmless. Just know that Garter Snakes are carnivorous and as such require crickets, earthworms, or small pinky mice (don't feed these whole until the snake gets closer to full size unless you want to chop the mice up, which of course, you can choose to do if you desire) feed the snake about once a week and always provide a clean water dish, an undertank heat pad, and a hide box or two. Also do NOT use Cedar or Pine bedding for any reptiles and amphibians because it is toxic for them!

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