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Gerunds are verb forms ending in -ing, and they function as nouns. So, gerunds can function both as indirect objects and object of the preposition in a sentence. Hope i have helped.

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4d ago

Gerunds can function as objects of prepositions. When a gerund is used after a preposition, it serves as the object of that preposition. For example, in the sentence "I am good at dancing," "dancing" is a gerund that functions as the object of the preposition "at."

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Q: Are gerunds indirect objects or object of the prepositions?
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What part of speech are words that end with - ing?

Words that often end in "-ing" are known as verbals or gerunds. They are sometimes found in a phrase (gerund phrase). Gerunds are verbs changed into a noun. They can act as the subject, OP (object of the preposition), appositive, DO (direct object), PN (predicate noun), and sometimes can be the IO (indirect object).