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Q: Are ghost attracted to blue or light blue?
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Why are bug zappers light blue?

According to the website below, they are blue because blue is the closest wavelength of the visible spectrum to ultraviolet light, and insects are attracted to ultraviolet light.

What colours are the Pac Man ghosts?

Red, Cyan(Light Blue), Orange And Light Pink

Why blue light use in electric mosquito killer?

It is not necessarily the blue light itself in an electric mosquito killer that repels or kills the mosquitoes. They are attracted to blue light, so they come near the device, where ultrasonic waves harm them.

Are fireflies attracted to light?

Only to the lights of fireflies of the opposite sex.

Are moths attracted to light?

yes in fact there mostly attracted to blue or black lights at night look at the street lights closely and you can see the moths, they mostly come out at night.

What attracts blue jays?

Blue Jays are attracted to the color blue. All birds are attracted to most bright colors, but certain birds are attracted to certain colors.

Why are flies attracted to yellow colored items?

The vision of flies does not capture the entire visible light spectrum. Many flies see colors as shades of yellow and blue which is why they are attracted to these colors.

What fly is not attracted to ultraviolet light?

Which flies is not highly attracted to Ultraviolet light

Are flies attracted to light?

No flies generally aren't attracted to light but they are attracted to sugar water. More sugar than water.

Are lizards attracted to light?

yes because bugs are attracted to light and lizards eat bugs

Why are June bugs attracted to light?

June bugs and other insects are attracted to light because, they use light to navigate.

Are seagulls attracted to blue?

They are colorblind.