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NO. Where did you get an idea like that? If you have red hair, you might be aggressive, but that's just your personality. You would be as aggressive if you had brown hair, or blond. Doesn't matter!

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Q: Are ginger haired people more aggressive than other colours?
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Why do you ginger haired people have freckles?

The combination of having both red hair and freckles is influenced by genetics. The MC1R gene, which is responsible for red hair, also affects the production of melanin in the skin, leading to a higher likelihood of freckles in individuals with red hair.

Why does god hate ginger-haired people?

No, god loves everyone that he has made. You are mistaken.

Are there more left handed people or ginger haired people in Scotland?

Left handed people are a myth, gingers are taking over Scotoland, faster than you can say 'Ginger'.

Why do red heads get offended if people call them ginger?

One reason could be that just as people do not like to be constantly called out by their skin color, red haired people do not like to be constantly called out for their hair color. They are people, and have names, and instead of addressing them as if they are their hair, it'd be best to address them for who they are; a person.However, not all red haired people get offended when someone uses the word ginger.

Do ginger haired people have a bad temper?

YES. I used to work at a daycare center and the only ginger kid there got mad for EVERYTHING. I have to admit, I was quite frightened by him. They start with the temper problems from a very young age.

What do red haired people do wrong?

i myself am ginger and i have learnt to brush off the bad comments such as gingers are stupid or gingers are freaks because as far as i see it ginger people dont do anything wrong. Everyones equal so who cares what colour hair youve got!!

Will strawberry highlights look good with blonde highlighted hair?

there is, but it is not classed as a colour, there are three hair colours: brunette, blond and ginger. strawberry blond is a light ginger, so its classed as ginger. most people are ashamed of being ginger, so they say they are strawberry blond as an excuse of being ginger , and try and make you believe they are blond.

My boyf has ginger pubes does that mean our baby will be ginger you have very dark brown hair?

It could be, however it also strongly depends on the genes in the family. Red hair is a strong gene however having alot of dark haired people like brunettes in the family could class out the ginger. Nevertheless the child could turn out stawberry blonde or even brunette.

Why cant black people have ginger hair?

Black people can be born with "ginger" hair.

Why do people feel sorry for ginger people hair?

Because people with ginger hair get picked on for bring ginger.. This is mainly because it's a rare hair colour and it's unique and different but lots of people (not all) with ginger hair are quite ugly.

Do ginger people get puberty when they older?

Everyone gets puberty at different stages and ginger people are no different. im ginger and i started puberty at about 9

Are all Scottish people ginger?

No - only a small percentage are ginger.