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No, god loves everyone that he has made. You are mistaken.

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God does not hate us!!! God loved us so much he sent his only son to be killed on the cross so we can be forgiven. Its like this, God doesn't hate sinners, but hates sin. They are so different and people get them mixed up. God loves us so much, no matter who you are or what you do, GOD LOVES YOU!

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WAT THE HECK!! God does not hate any1 r u crazy or something! god loves every1 even if they do something very very super duper bad like say god is dumb or hes a jerk or bad stuff god doesnt hate people! He forgives and doesnt do a thing if u pray good thinggs will happen and it was told rich people get good stuff and normal people get bad stuf its cause the rich people taht hate god will end up in hell nice people taht are still rich and give to the poor and love Jesus will go to heaven! Get it? got it? GOOD! AMEN

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God hate hell because, if there is no fear in life then people will not abey any rule.

Is normal for a 15 year old to hate God?

No! Either God exists, in which case you had better not hate him; or God does not exist, in which case it is not God you hate, but the culture that says you must worship him.

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True Christians do not hate anyone. Jehovah God does not hate anyone. Hate is not our primary emotion when it comes to 'people'. (We hate wrongdoing; and we try to help the wrong doers. Providing 'help' is an act of 'love'.)