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No, not often...

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Q: Are giraffes often mean
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Are giraffes mean?

No, not often...

How often do giraffes eat in an day?

As often as they can. Giraffes are continuous grazers.

How often do giraffes eat in zoo's?

as often as they can..

What are the predators of girraffes?

Lions hunt baby giraffes. Crocodiles often ambush even adult giraffes.

How often is the question why do Giraffes have long necks asked?


How often do you feed the giraffes on the roar game?

The answer is: TWICE A DAY

What does giraffidae mean?

giraffidae means giraffes

Do giraffes live with other giraffes?

giraffes are most commonly found in herds of 4-7 . it is not common that they are alone unless one has wandered from the group. but they would eventually find their way back.

How there be a snow near a giraffes home?

There are many mountains in Africa (where giraffes) live, and due to the height, it is much colder, so there is often snow.

How often and what do you feed giraffes on BBC roar game?

areant you a saddo

Do giraffes get overheated?

Any animal can be overheated, just not too often.

What are giraffes scard of?

If you mean "What are giraffes scared of?" the answer is: All the carnivorous animals that hunt it for food; lions, leopards, hyenas and wild dogs.