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no they are not safe you could just throw it up more serious stuff

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Q: Are grapes with white mold safe to eat?
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The "white stuff" is called bloom which is a fancy way of saying mold, and is perfectly safe to eat and in my opinion tastes better if you eat it

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Mold is not safe to eat, whether it is growing on cheesecake or anywhere else. Some species of mold are quite toxic, and may result in pancreatic cancer. Don't eat it.

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Is it safe to eat a yam with mold on the outside?

No once it has mold on it, it's bad. Even is the mold is picked off, there is still bacteria in the food. So if you eat it you will get sick.

If there is mold in a jar of pimentos are they safe to eat?

Unless mold is an actual part of the food (as in blue cheese or brie), do not eat moldy food.

Are the white spots all over the prunes mold?

The white spots you might see on prunes are not mold. The spots are sugars crystallizing on the surface. The prunes are still perfectly safe to eat. Dried fruit can last up to a year and even longer if refrigerated.

Can dwarf hamsters eat grape or bell pepper?

It is safe for dwarf hamsters to eat grapes and bell peppers in moderation. The grapes can be green or red, but they must be seedless.

Why do they put plastic bags over grapes on the vines in Spain?

Birds. They will strip the vies of grapes a month before we would like to eat them. MORE Rain is another reason . Grapes will mold on the vine if they are ready to be picked.

Is it safe to eat an onion with small dots of blue mold on the skin?

It is never safe to eat anything with mold on it. It raises your chances of getting a foodbourne illness (food poisoning), which one in twenty americans get each year.

Nacho cheese in a can with little mold on it is it safe to eat It wasnt in the can but a contanier?

No. Don't eat food that is moldy.

What is white mold on cheese?

A mold called Penicillum-Candidum (sometimes Penicillum-Cammemberti). It is totally harmless and forms things like the skin on brie.