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Q: Are great whites herbivores carnivores or omnivores?
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Is a great white shark an herbivores or a carnivores or a omnivores?

The great white shark is a herbivores.

Are great horned owls herbivores?

Of course not! They eat meat. However, they might be omnivores. I don't know. They are carnivores..

Are ladybugs herbivores omnivores or carnivores?

Technically ladybugs that eat aphids are aphidophagous, and ladybirds that eat coccids are coccidophagous which makes them, for all purposes carnivores. However, some ladybirds like the Mexican bean beetle are strict herbivores and others eat both pollen and aphids making them omnivores. So the REAL answer is ALL three. Isn't science fun.

Are great white sharks canivores?

Yes, Great Whites are possibly the most efficient and voracious carnivores.

Do great white sharks eat plants?

Great Whites are carnivores, meat eaters and don't eat plants.

Is a great white an omnivore?

No. Carnivores only eat meat. Herbivores only eat plants. Omnivores eat both meat and plants. The great white whale is a carnivore. It eats small fishes, seastars, octopuses, krill and other aquatic invertebrates. Great white whales are mammals. Humans, dogs and cats are the only omnivorous mammals.

Do all great white sharks eat meat?

Yes. All great whites are carnivores. No vegetarian option there. The don't have the teeth or the digestion to live on anything else.

What are the two types of consumers?

The 3 types of consumers are: primary consumer, secondary consumer, and tertiary consumer. A primary consumer, like a rabbit, eats a primary producer, like grass. A secondary consumer, like a fox, eats a primary consumer, which is the rabbit. A tertiary consumer, like a great gray owl, eats the secondary consumer, which is the fox.

Are great horned owls omnivores or herbivores?

wait omnivore means it eats both plants and animals right if so then yes a great horned owl is a omnivore

Where do baby great whites come from?

From Mummy and Daddy Great Whites!!

What percentage of all animals are carnivores?

It's hard to say exactly how many animals are strictly carnivores, and not omnivores. A carnivore eats nothing but meat while an omnivore eats anything. Estimates have the carnivore population of the world to be between five and 10 percent.

Are the humans great whites prey?

Humans are not part of the great whites prey