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Because these are "spiritual things."

One reason Jesus came in the flesh was to illuminate in our mind and heart the "spiritual aspect of life." Our actions begin with a spiritual thought.

The material things in this world come and go -- like the various forms of currency nations use for business transactions [money]. What the world regards as valuable [like money] gives rise to "greed, envy, lust, jealousy" in the hearts of men... which are all spiritual attitudes that enhance and feed man's selfish nature... which is the opposite of God's "Giving Nature" of outgoing love for others.

God commands His creation to "worship Him"... not the creation [or things that are made; like money].

"Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." (Ex.20:3)

The things that men pursue in life... jobs, careers, cars, houses, property, business ventures, stocks, bonds, profits, wealth, prosperity, Video Games -- money -- are not evil things in and of themselves.

But when material pursuits and things command one's spirit... and stands between a person and his Creator -- it separates them and produces evil.

God insists on being first in anyone's life... even above one's family [which is a priceless treasure with which God blesses a man in his life].

The present shaky, faltering forms of money we use in this world are merely "things" that people need to earn a living.

But "spiritual awareness" in one's heart and mind of the Truth of one's Creator, along with a Knowledge and Understanding of that Truth; what He expects of us, and our obedience to Him -- is what we need to be given Eternal Life.

It's not so much lust and greed that are evil... but... what are we lusting after? What is our spiritual attitude pursuing?

Are we chasing the vain, passing material things of this world [like money], that will burn in the coming fire?

Or are we jealously pursuing the Truth of God?

What is the most important thing to us in our lives, is the root of the question. The passing vanities in life... of Eternal Life?

God's Word tells us: "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His Commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into Judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil." (Eccle.12:13-14)

In the Judgment, we will all be judged by the works we accomplished and/or pursued in this life. And if we lusted after money all our life -- in the Judgment the money will be gone and all we will have left is our greed and lust as witnesses against us.

The Bible says what it says, that we might begin to prioritize our spiritual pursuits in this life.

"Spirit" is at the root of all things. Spirit is what motivates us... what thinks about, mulls over and decides what's important to chase after.

It's not "money" that's at the "root" of evil... it's the lusting and subsequent chasing after vain, passing, meaningless things.

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Q: Are greed and lust the root of all evil and not money like the bible says and why would the bible say that?
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Let me put it this way. The bible says that the greed for the money is the root of all evil. In other words money is not at all evil, till you get to greedy.

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No the bible says the greed for the money is the root of all evil.

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The greed for the money is the root of all evil.

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The origin of the phrase comes from the Bible. However, it's not "money is the root cause of all evil." The phrase is "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil." Basically, this means that greed causes us to do evil.

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