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Q: Are guns loud
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Are guns aloud in the Dominican Republic?

Yes, like any other country in the world guns are loud.

Do pellet guns make a loud bang?

Depending on the model, Yes they can.

Do bb guns make a sound?

Yes, usually a loud "POP".

Are gun factories loud?

Some areas within a gun factory will be loud- metal and wood working machines, and areas where guns are test fired.

Why don't BB guns sound loud?

Because they are being propelled by compressed air and not an explosion.

Is a gun shot loud?

YEAExtremely loud that most guns can potentially be very dangerous to your ears and cause hearing loss, but that's why ear muffs or plugs are for protection.

What gun to use to shoot gophers?

I shoot the pests at my house w/ pellet guns, so no one know. But good guns for rodents/ gophers are 22 rifles, and small caliber guns. I advise pellet guns because they aren't loud but can kill rodents easily.

What slang term for a guinea was a common name for cannons and loud guns?

" Meg" "Mons Meg" was the name of an ancient cannon

Why are BB guns not so loud?

They propel their projectile by a different means than an actual firearm does. BB and pellet guns use air or spring propulsion, whereas a firearm's projectile is propelled by detonation.

How loud is 3 medium loudness for bb guns?

Loud is hard to explain on paper. But 1 is low and 5 is high. So 3 would fall in the middle. Much like a hard hand clap. If I hit a board with an Iron rod that would be a 5 loud.

How loud are guns?

at close range (person holdin gun) Between 120-160Db Depending on type which is loud enough to blow your eardrums Its Louder than fire crackers Very Loud- Shooting a 9mm without earplugs- my ears were ringing for a whole week always wear earplugs when shooting..............

Why are some dogs shy of guns?

Some dogs have realy good hearing and it hurts there ears. Or they just cant stand loud noises all together.