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Q: Are hamsters allowed to be on a persons lap while on the airplain?
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Related questions

Are hamsters allowed pea pods?

yes, you can give a hamster pea pods, but not as their only food. just give it to them once in a while.

How is hamsters look when they don't know somebody?

They might just stand up and freeze or they might stare for a while to adjust the persons face!

Do female teddy bear hamsters blead while in heat?

no because hamsters orriginally in desserts

Can you house separate hamster types together?

No, syrian hamsters are solitary while dwarf hamsters are not.

Can hamsters be shy?

yes they can be shy but after a while they get used to you

Why can hamsters eat popcorn but guinea pigs cant?

hamsters can eat popcorn because they are able to make sure it does not get stuck in their throat,while guinea pigs can choke on it. the reason hamsters are able to do this is because over time they got use to accidentally swallowing a seed shell once in a while.=]

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Will hamsters bite if you hold them while there asleep?

Hamsters may bite if you try to grab them or are already holding them when they are sleeping. It is instincts to bite something that is bothering it when it's trying to sleep. They may be "grumpy" for a while afterwards, so it is best to leave them in the cage in peace for a while.

Do hamsters get boring after a while?

It all depends. Hamsters are very smart pets and have a great personality. You just have to take care of it as well as give it attention.

What color do hamsters like to be around in while they are eating?

i don't really think it matters

Can hamsters get pinkeye?

if you dont clean your cage for a while it can catch a virus whitch is pinkeye

Why do you not scream while a hamster is giving birth?

Place the cage in a quiet place, away from other hamsters and out of the stream of household traffic. Mother hamsters will kill their young when disturbed.