

Are heart problems and spina bifida related?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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No. Spina Bifida does not cause heart problems. It is possible for a person who has Spina Bifida to also have heart problems, but they are just two unrelated conditions in the same person.

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In spina bifida does the cerebrum and part of the brain stem never develop?

No, that is not a part of Spina Bifida. What does happen with many children with Spina Bifida is a condition called Arnold Chiari II, which causes the cerebellum and the brain stem to extend down into the area where the spinal cord is, which can cause various problems such as swallowing and feeding problems in the infant with Spina Bifida.

Does spina bifida have oligohydramnios?

Not usually. The defect that causes spina bifida is not related to the causes of oligohydramnios.

How is memory affected by Spina Bifida?

People with Spina Bifida can be born with hydrocephalus ("water on the brain), which can cause memory problems. But not all people with Spina Bifida have hydrocephalus, and therefore not all of them have memory problems.

How many people with Spina Bifida have had children with out Spina Bifida?

My daughter has Spina Bifida and her daughter has Spina Bifida

How do you meet other people with Spina Bifida?

There are Spina Bifida support groups online, see the Related links below for some.

Are there any treatments or cures for Spina Bifida?

Treatments, yes. Please see the Related question below. There are no known cures for Spina Bifida.

Can someone have spina bifida and not be born with it?

No, spina bifida is a birth defect. Therefore, a person has to be born with spina bifida to have it.

Is Nuera another name for Spina Bifida?

No, "Nuera" is not another name for Spina Bifida. Myelomeningocele is another name for Spina Bifida.

How did Spina Bifida get its name?

Spina Bifida is Latin for "split spine".

What illness is Chris Farlowe suffering from?

Spina bifida

Why did they name Spina Bifida?

Spina is Latin for "spine" and Bifida is Latin for "split" or "open" and that is exactly what Spina Bifida is, an opening or split in the spine.

Are Scheuermann's Disease and Spina Bifida connected?

No, there is no connection between Spina Bifida (a birth defect affecting the spine) and Scheuermann's Disease. Although a person with Spina Bifida may also have kyphosis (a curving of the spine that causes a bowing of the back), that does not mean that Spina Bifida is related to Scheuermann's Disease. They are two different conditions that affect the spine.