What industries use synthetic rubber?
Industries that use synthetic rubber include automotive (for tires, hoses, seals), aerospace (for gaskets, O-rings), construction (for seals, gaskets), and healthcare (for medical supplies like gloves, tubing).
Is Spina Bifida autosomal or sex-linked?
Spina bifida is typically not directly linked to genetics, however, there may be a genetic component in some cases. It is not classified as autosomal or sex-linked because it is a multifactorial condition influenced by various genetic and environmental factors.
What chromosome is Spina Bifida located on?
Spina Bifida is not located on a specific chromosome. It is a neural tube defect that can be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. There is no single gene or chromosomal location identified as causing Spina Bifida.
Is Spina Bifida a recessive or dominant trait?
Spina bifida doesn't follow a strict inheritance pattern, but hereditary factors do play some role, though it is not completely understood yet.
Mothers who have had one child with spina bifida have a 3-4% chance of their next child having spina bifida, while the general population only has a 0.1-0.2% chance. In the case a pregnant woman has a family history of spina bifida, it is recommended that they take a higher dose of folic acid than other pregnant women. Here again, folic acid plays a role in preventing neural tube defects (like spina bifida), but the mechanism is not well understood.
Also, for an unknown reason, it is more prevalent in female children than in male children.
What altitude affects breathing?
Altitude affects breathing by decreasing the amount of oxygen available in the air, leading to reduced oxygen intake. At higher altitudes, the air pressure decreases, making it harder for the body to take in oxygen and causing symptoms like shortness of breath, dizziness, and fatigue. This can trigger the body to increase breathing rate in an attempt to compensate for the lower oxygen levels.
Does spnina bifida affect the eye?
Spina bifida is a neural tube defect that affects the spinal cord, not the eye. However, individuals with spina bifida may have other medical conditions or complications that could potentially affect eye health. It's important for individuals with spina bifida to have regular medical check-ups to monitor their overall health, including their eyes.
What is the pattern of inheritance of Spina Bifida?
Spina bifida is a complex trait with multiple genetic and environmental factors contributing to its development. It can be influenced by both genetic predisposition and environmental influences. The risk of having a child with spina bifida is higher if a close family member also has the condition.
What percentage of babies are born with Spinal Bifida?
Around 0.1-0.2% of babies are born with Spina Bifida in the United States. This condition occurs when the spine and spinal cord do not develop properly in the womb, leading to potential physical and neurological complications. Early detection and intervention can help manage the condition and improve outcomes for affected individuals.
Does spina bifida affect the life expectancy of a person?
Life expectancy for individuals with spina bifida has improved over the years due to advancements in healthcare and treatment options. However, the specific impact on life expectancy can vary depending on the severity of the condition and any associated complications. With proper management and care, many individuals with spina bifida can live long and fulfilling lives.
What does quaeris mean in Latin?
Quaeris is the second person singular present tense of quaero, which means I look for, I search for, I seek out or I inquire into. So it means "you seek out", "you search for" and so on.
Does spina bifida affect the brain?
Spina bifida can involve an incomplete development of the brain, caused by the failure of the fetus's spine to close properly during the first month of pregnancy. Some individuals have a learning disability, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
What are some names of support groups for Spina Bifida?
In my opinion, the best support you can get if you or a family member was born with Spina Bifida is from closed groups on Facebook, just search "Spina Bifida" and you will find them. I am an adult that was born with Spina Bifida and the best support I've found is in closed Facebook groups (they are called closed because they are private groups and what you ask or say does not show up on your friends' timelines).
What race is most attacked by spina bifida?
Spina Bifida has been found to occur most in Hispanic populations.
The following lists groups by race/ethnicity from most at risk to least at risk:
Please see the related link for more.
What is the cure for Spina Bifida?
The only information I have found on-line regarding Homeopathy for Spina Bifida resulted in a very interesting =O exchange of ideas between a student of Homeopathy and a "learned practitioner" of over 20 years. For reference â âž is a "snippet" of ideas and not to be taken as a diagnoses or treatment plan.
âIt is a tumor of the spine. The suggested treatment is: xxx
I have helped to avert surgery in many cases of pilonidal sinus...
The causation is hereditary due to the presence of a miasma passed on from previous generations.
There could be cases of TB in the family, father's side or mother's side. Check family medical history of uncles and aunts in addition to that of parents, grand parents etc. âž
As limited as my knowledge of homeopathy is he may have hit something with the miasmas, something Western Medicine would likely call genetic change or damage. It seems every ailment known to this on-line practitioner is caused by TB in the family. The homeopathic medications for TB should not be considered as treatment for Spina Bifida so for my own peace of mind I am not putting them in this comment, as we know Spina Bifida is not a tumor of the spine or elsewhere. On-line medical advice of the Homeopathic or Western type is only as good as the medical school the practitioner graduated from.
A pilonidal cyst or sinus is not thought to be related to Spina Bifida rather is a formed by a "follicular occlusion" which is blocking and causing inflammation of pores in the midline of the buttocks.
I believe there may have been a language barrier or possibly a site "translator" In my opinion not a safe way to practice medicine. Your best and safest possibility in Homeopathy is to find one in your area by recommendations from other practitioners, friends or from employes of your local health food store.
How is memory affected by Spina Bifida?
People with Spina Bifida can be born with hydrocephalus ("water on the brain), which can cause memory problems. But not all people with Spina Bifida have hydrocephalus, and therefore not all of them have memory problems.
In spina bifida does the cerebrum and part of the brain stem never develop?
No, that is not a part of Spina Bifida. What does happen with many children with Spina Bifida is a condition called Arnold Chiari II, which causes the cerebellum and the brain stem to extend down into the area where the spinal cord is, which can cause various problems such as swallowing and feeding problems in the infant with Spina Bifida.
How do you care for people with Spina Bifida?
Adults with Spina Bifida will need to keep track of bowel and bladder problems and drink plenty of water and try to avoid bladder infections, and take antibiotics if necessary. Another thing to watch for is pressure sores. As far as treatment, sometimes physical therapy can help with maintaining strength.
What is called when a child has value shunt caused of water in the brain?
The shunt used for a person who has hydrocephalus ("water on the brain") is not called a "value shunt". It is usually called a "ventriculo-peritoneal shunt" or "VP shunt" for short. Sometimes a "ventriculo-atrial shunt" or "VA shunt" is used instead.
Physical characteristics of spina bifida?
There are a few different symptoms that you might experience if you have spina bifida. These symptoms include loss of sensation in the legs and feet, unable to control the bladder, and poor bowel control.