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Hermit crabs are considered to be in the arthropods family. Hermit crabs have a hard exoskeleton made of chiton which helps provide protection and give the muscles attachment support. Although a hermit crab will grow, their exoskeleton does not so they must constantly shed said exoskeleton in favor for a new one that it grows into.

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Q: Are hermit crabs arthropods or mollusks?
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Are hermit crabs reptiles?

No. They are arthropods.

Are crabs arthropods?

They are Arthropods.Edited: Land hermit crabs are from the arthropod phylum.

When you feed hermit crab cucumber do you peel the skin?

Unless it's organic, yes, peel the skin. Hermit crabs are arthropods, just like insects. The insecticides they spray on the commercial crops will likely have negative affects on hermit crabs if they com in contact with them on the skin of the vegetable.

What characteristic distinguishes arthropods and mollusks?

Mollusks compose of the large phylum of invertebrate animals known as the Mollusca. Mollusks have a mantle, mollusks invertebrate. Arthropods have jointed appendages, arthropods have segmented bodies

What is the most abundant subphylum of marine arthropods?

Crustaceans, containing crabs, lobsters, hermit crabs (form of lobster, ironically), barnacles, water fleas, crab sacs and more.

How many hermit crabs is too many hermit crabs?

A lot

Are hermit crabs herbavores?

No, Hermit Crabs are omnivores.

How are arthropods and mullusks the same?

Arthropods have an exoskeleton. Mollusks don't.

What Enemies Do Hermit Crabs Have?

fish and bigger hermit crabs

Do Hermit Crabs Have Antennas?

Yes hermit crabs have antennas.

Are hermit crabs death?

No hermit crabs are small and friendly

What are the hermit crabs preditors?

sea birds, fish, octopuses, crabs, and other hermit crabs