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No, it's lost it's big pincher means thats it's very stressed. That means that something in their tank is wrong, the temp, humidity, and the substrate.

You need the substrate to be diggable (coconut fiber), and the dirt should be deep enough to be higher than your biggest crab (mine still dig to the bottom and it's twice the size of my hermie)

To learn more about what you need in your crabitat plz follow the link below

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Q: Are hermit crabs supppose to lose its big pincher?
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Related questions

Do hermit crabs have skeletons?

no they do not have an internal skeleton in order to grow they switch their shells

Why does my hermit crab have a white bump?

Typically its about to molt or in the process of shedding it's outer shell, molting.

What happens when you lose your hermit crab?

If your hermit crab runs away the best thing to do is place some aluminum foil down with some tuna and some water in the center. The hermit crabs will move toward water. Check the bathrooms and the waterheater room if they have access. Hermit crabs can roam quite aways so don't be surprised if you find them 3 rooms over!

Do hermit crabs lose Legs?

When hermit crabs are under stress or sick they may lose legs or claws. An example of this is also when a predator catches a crab by a limb the crab will release the said limp to escape danger. Some crabs may lose a leg or claw when molting. Tyson in Tampa. my sons hermit crab just lost all of its legs .we accidently left him all night in the sink and apparently he was so stressed he lost all legs trying to climb up i tought he was dead and was getting ready to throw him in the garbage when i saw it move hes still alive but wont come out of his shell im hoping it wont die .

Why did my hermit crab lose a leg?

well you will have to really do nothing a crab dosent die from simple things in the wild its just a part of nature.

Does water crabs lose their shell?

the kind that don't want them anymore

How do you stop shell fighting between hermit crabs?

you should leave them alone and let them fight it out, if the fighting continues for more than a couple minutes, separate them. If it happens again put the crabs in time out, they will eventually learn that fighting is not allowed

Do Hermit Crabs have 8 legs?

If a crab were to lose its legs it would probably would not be able to move around and die.

How do you tell if a hamster is depressed?

When a hermit crab is depressed he will slow down in his activities and often sit in one places with very little movement. This isn't quite the same as humans feel depressed or sad but they do have basic needs and when those needs aren't met, they suffer.

When a hermit crab molts does it lose its body parts?

No, it regrows them

Do female hermit crabs fight?

Hermit crabs are very social and LOVE company they usally don't live as long as they do when their with others. They can live over 2 years mine lived for 3 years. Hermit DO FIGHT they fight over shells. one likes a shell the other has (make sure your hermies has alot of shells, NOT over crowding the tank!) and they fight. The victim usally dies over the fight. But if you are there when it happens, you should blow on them if they still fight pick them up (do NOT pull them one will lose a limb!) if that doesn't happen you need to LIGHTLY mist them with distilled water.

Is it bad for Halloween moon crabs to lose their legs?

Yes, it can't walk!!