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Not at all. The major source for the thinning area that we call a hole, which occurs over Antarctica during it's winter months is primarily due to a lack of energy (sunlight) on that area. No reputable science group and no scientist disagrees with this. We know the "hole" has been occurring for centuries. What some people believe is that the use of solvents and certain chemicals may have a negative affect on this layer and helping thin this area more in recent years.

There are two holes which each occur annually. One over the Antarctic during their winter and the same in the Arctic during it's winter. These have happened since well before man made any chemicals. The items blamed for the hole by some is heavier then air and is only found in the ozone layer in extremely low volumes. There is no thinning over most of our planet, including areas where humans actually live and use CFC's.

Burning of fossil fuels is blammed (by some) for the 0.2 degrees of warming we have seen the past 200 years. We have seen 11 degrees of warming though over the past 6000 years.

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Q: Are holes in the ozone layer caused be burning fuels?
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What is wrong with burning fossil fuels?

Burning fossil fuels is bad because it causes carbon dioxide, which makes holes in the ozone layer

Do green house gases weaken the ozone?

Yes they do, green house gases are caused by burning fossil fuels, coal and oil. These gases then 'attack' the onzone layer which creates 'holes' in the atmosphere which allows dangerous and harmful radiation into the atmosphere.

What are the effects of burning fossil fuels on the following atmosphere?

it makes holes in the ozone layer which in the long run makes the sun hotter. hence "globle warming"

Does global Warming make holes in the earth's atmosphere?

No, you are probably thinking of holes in the ozone layer. Global warming is the heating up of the atmosphere and the earth by the human activities of deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.

What is causing damage ing to are ozone layer?

burning fossil fuels

What is the ozone layer and how does burning fossil fuels effect it?

Ozone layer is a layer of ozone gas in atmosphere. Burning fossils affects global warming, thus affecting it.

What are holes in the ozone layar?

The holes in ozone layer is the thinning of ozone. It is caused by CFC's.

How are the ozone layer holes caused?

Ozone holes are the thinning of ozone molecules. This is caused by man made or natural processes.

What are holes in ozone layer?

The holes in ozone are not actually holes. They are lowered concentration of ozone.

How pollution affect the ozone layer?

pollution means release of carbon dioxide methane and CFC's [chloro fluro carbons] these gases are released by burning of fossil fuels these gases rise and make holes in the ozone layer exposing humans to skin cancer.

Does fuel affect the ozone layer?

See "How does burning fossil fuels deplete the ozone layer?" in the "Related questions" section below.

What chemicals have caused holes to appear in the ozone layer?

CFC's have caused holes to appear. They react with ozone and deplete it.