

Are horses related to humans

Updated: 10/8/2023
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14y ago

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wild horses don't really trust horses they just ignore them or run away if they are trying to capture them.

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14y ago

That'd be awesome, but no.

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Q: Are horses related to humans
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Are humans and horses slash zebras related?

From an evolutionary perspective, all mammals are related, so yes, humans and horses or zebras are related, although not closely; humans are much more closely related to the great apes (gorillas, bonobos, chimpanzees, and orangutans). From a creationist perspective, humans and horses are not related.

How do humans treat horses?

Most humans treat horses well, but some humans (unfortunately) abuse them.

Do horses actually trust humans?

A good majority of horses do trust humans. These are horses that are treated fairly and have owners who make themselves the 'herd leader' and can prove that they will be fair, just, and protective of the horse. However not all horses will trust humans and not all humans are to be trusted, horses instinctively know this.

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Horses do have ears just like humans.

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Horses never lie. Humans do.

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Do you related to rock? No seahorses are fish, horses are mammals

Are horses and people a like in any ways?

Why yes, but humans look nothing like horses. Horses get the same sicknesses as humans do and they can get arthritis. Hope that helps

Can tuberculosis travel from horses to humans?

Technically yes it can, so long as it is a strain that is infectious to both horses and humans. However, horses are pretty resistant to tuberculosis.

How does horses have baby's?

horses have babies just like humans, exept they're horses, of course

What is a horses reproduction?

Horses reproduce sexually just like humans do.

What species are horses most closely related to?

Horses are related to one-hoofed mammals