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Any of the above I would think, but I've met some who were deists.

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Q: Are humanists atheists or theists or agnostics?
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Veganism has no official stance on religion. Vegans can be theists, agnostics, or atheists.

Who are humanists?

A person who has a strong interest in human welfare, dignity, and values. They are agnostics and atheists who are versed in the humanities and prefer the theory of evolution.

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What do you call someone that doesn't have a religion?

They can be either Atheists or Agnostics.

Who were the famous atheists in US who became theists?

All theists. Atheism is the default position; belief in a god must be taught.

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Humanism requires no belief in God, so Italian, Brazilian, Ethiopian, or wherever else they were from, by being Humanists they must, by definition, have been Atheists.

Are the Theist less likely to divorce than Atheists or is it the other way around?

Atheists have a lower divorce rate than theists. Atheists are less likely to divorce.

Why do atheists and theists believe there is a division between God and man?

Atheists do not believe there is a division between God and humanity since atheists lack any belief in gods they do not spend time thinking of such matters. A theist can answer the second part of the question.

What is the difference between atheists and theists?

Atheists do not believe in any gods or deities, while theists believe in one or more gods or deities. Atheists typically rely on reason, evidence, and science to form their beliefs, while theists often base their beliefs on faith and religious scriptures.

What percentage of theists are there opposed to atheists?

Estimations for atheists range from a low 8% to a high 21%, so theists would be from 92% to 79%.Answer:The proportion of theists who are against atheists as opposed to thise with a "live and let live" attitude is not known. It would vary by religion (and sect in the religion), social background, education and personal attitude. Generally people who are comfortable in their beliefs (about themselves, their religion, their sexuality, their politics, etc.) do not have an aversion to other's positions.

Does Boy Scouts accept agnostics?

The Boy Scouts of America's official position is that atheists and agnostics cannot participate as Scouts or adult Scout Leaders in its traditional Scouting programs. - Wikipedia