



Atheism is the disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.

999 Questions

How do atheists believe the world was made?

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Atheists typically believe in scientific explanations for the origins of the world, such as the Big Bang theory and evolution. They do not attribute the creation of the world to a divine being or supernatural force.

Is it possible that demonic extraterrestrials could have fabricated dinosaur fossils?

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There is no scientific evidence to support the idea of demonic extraterrestrials fabricating dinosaur fossils. The existence of dinosaurs is well-documented through fossils, geological records, and scientific research. The theory of demonic extraterrestrials creating dinosaur fossils is not based on credible evidence or scientific principles.

Is lead rare?

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Lead is not considered rare in the Earth's crust, as it is relatively abundant. However, most of the lead found in the environment comes from human activities such as mining and industrial processes, leading to environmental concerns due to its toxicity.

Did Stephen Jay Gould say that fossil evidence completely contradicts natural selection?

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Asked by Casadeoro

No, Stephen Jay Gould did not say that fossil evidence completely contradicts natural selection. He was a proponent of punctuated equilibrium, which suggests that evolution can occur rapidly in small, isolated populations, leading to gaps in the fossil record. Gould believed that natural selection still played a significant role in driving evolution.

What do people in today's society put their faith and trust in when they do not have God?

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Asked by Wiki User

those who put their faith in science...... something like the big bang can't ever be 100% proven just like god because we didn't see it happen but it is the most rational and likely situation since we have evidence to support the big bang. faith in science means accepting theories that can't be proven but that make the most sense, god is not an option since there is no evidence for god's existence.

Are all Emos Atheists?

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No, not all Emos are atheists. Emo is a subculture characterized by emotional expression, fashion, and music preference. While some Emos may identify as atheists, others may hold different religious beliefs or may not adhere to any specific belief system.

How many terrorists are atheists?

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There is no definitive data on the religious beliefs of terrorists, as it varies among individuals and groups. It is important to avoid making broad generalizations based on the actions of a few individuals. Terrorism is a complex phenomenon that cannot be attributed solely to one's religious beliefs or lack thereof.

How many atheists and agnostics are in the USA?

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It is estimated that around 4-5% of the US population identify as atheists, meaning they do not believe in any deities. Additionally, around 6-7% identify as agnostic, meaning they are unsure or do not claim knowledge about the existence of deities.

Is Deontology a moral theory that focuses mainly on one's intentions?

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Yes, deontology is a moral theory that places emphasis on the intent behind one's actions rather than the consequences. It asserts that the moral rightness of an action is determined by adherence to rules or duties, rather than the outcomes of those actions.

Is Virtue ethics a moral theory that focuses mainly on one's intentions?

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Virtue ethics is a moral theory that emphasizes developing good character traits or virtues, such as kindness or honesty, rather than focusing solely on intentions. It also considers how these virtues lead to ethical actions and decisions in different situations.

What percentage of people are atheists?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reliable statistics are hard to come by. Many atheists do not declare their atheism.

To further complicate the matter, some religions like Buddhism are atheistic, denying the existence of any god or gods, but many 'folk Buddhists' do believe in god. Also, Hinduism has many different strains of thought, ranging from polytheism, through to monotheism, panentheism and pantheism, and even a few atheistic schools. Unless we could ask every single person on earth whether they believe in god or not in a private setting so they'd be honest, we can't be sure how much of the worlds population is atheist.

There is no reliable statistic for the number of atheists in the world due to several factors:

  • No one is interested in counting that category.
  • Many people are confused by that term thinking there are varying degrees of atheism.
  • There are several world-wide organized "religious" groups that do not worship a supreme being.
  • There is no umbrella organization that can assist in an accurate count of that category.
  • Many people do not wish to identify themselves as atheists because of the inherent prejudice against atheists by leaders and members of various Christian amd Muslim sects.

How many atheists?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is difficult to determine an exact number of atheists worldwide due to varying definitions and self-identification. However, estimates suggest that around 15-20% of the global population identifies as atheist or non-religious.

What do you say or what arguments are there about the proofs of existence of God Almighty given by Muslim Scholars?

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Asked by Sadism

Muslim scholars have presented various arguments to prove the existence of God Almighty, such as the cosmological argument, teleological argument, and the moral argument. These arguments often stem from the Quran, observation of the world, and logical reasoning to demonstrate the presence of a divine creator. The belief in the existence of Allah is a cornerstone of Islamic theology, emphasizing a monotheistic worldview.

What evidence supports the idea that life could have evolved on europa?

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Asked by Wiki User

Evidence to support the idea that life could have evolved on Europa includes the presence of a subsurface ocean with conditions potentially suitable for life, such as the presence of water, organic molecules, and a source of energy from hydrothermal vents. Additionally, observations of plumes of water vapor and evidence of past geological activity suggest that Europa could have the necessary ingredients for life to have evolved.

Can anyone name something that is completely useless to humans and prove that the Earth was not 'created' for humans?

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One example of something useless to humans is the vast stretches of uninhabitable land on Earth, such as deserts, frozen tundras, and deep ocean trenches. These areas do not support human life, which challenges the idea that the Earth was exclusively created for humans since a significant portion of the planet is inhospitable to us.

Was Spinoza an atheist?

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Spinoza did not identify as an atheist, as he believed in a divine entity, which he viewed as a pantheistic God. However, his conception of God as the infinite substance of the universe was at odds with traditional religious beliefs, leading some to consider him an atheist or heretic during his time.

Should an atheist be a godparent?

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The role of a godparent traditionally involves providing religious guidance and support in the child's spiritual upbringing. Since atheists do not believe in a higher power or deity, they may not align with the expectations typically associated with being a godparent. It is important for the parents and the atheist godparent to have open communication about their beliefs and expectations for the child's upbringing.

Is there a religion based off of Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy and where can you find out more?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no official religion based on Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. However, some fans have created online communities and websites where they discuss and engage with themes from the series as philosophical or spiritual ideas. You can find out more by searching for forums or fan sites dedicated to the series.

Is it true that HG Wells did not believe God exists?

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Asked by JLC31383

H.G. Wells was known for his skepticism towards organized religion and traditional views of God. While he did not adhere to traditional religious beliefs, he did express a sense of awe and wonder towards the universe and the mysteries of existence in his writings.

Was Michael crichton an atheist?

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Michael Crichton's religious beliefs are not definitively known as he kept his personal life private. However, his writings did not show a strong adherence to any particular religious belief, leading some to speculate that he may have been agnostic or atheistic.

What was the impact of the quote religion is the 'opiate of the people'?

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The quote "religion is the opiate of the people" was coined by Karl Marx to imply that religion can act as a tool for social control and distraction from societal issues. It suggests that religious beliefs can be used to pacify or sedate the masses, preventing them from questioning their circumstances or striving for social change. This quote has been interpreted to critique the role of religion in maintaining the status quo and reinforcing existing power structures.

Is Nibiru a myth?

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Yes, Nibiru is a myth. Supporters of the Nibiru cataclysm cult and its variations often claim that the scientific community's denial of its existence is some sort of cover up. However, there is no evidence of Nibiru's existence beyond the word of a possibly mentally imbalanced "psychic" named Nancy Lieder, who claimed that Nibiru was going to crash into Earth in May 2003. She also suggested that people put down and eat their pets. When Nibiru failed to crash into Earth, or appear at all, she withdrew her claim, and said that she made it in the first place to throw off the government. Her reasoning is that if the world's governments were to know of the actual date of the Nibiru disaster, they would be able to enforce martial law, and would keep citizens from somehow escaping the disaster, all part of some grand conspiracy. There is no evidence of the rational mind to support such claims.

Why do Freethinkers believe that Jesus Christ never existed except as a Messianic idea or a solar deity?

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Freethinkers who believe Jesus Christ never existed see the lack of contemporary historical evidence as a reason. They argue that the stories about Jesus were based on earlier myths and religions, such as those involving solar deities or messianic figures, which were then woven together to create the character of Jesus in the Bible.

Is edward asner a athiest?

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Edward Asner, the American actor, has described himself as a secular humanist rather than an atheist. He has shared his views on religion and spirituality in various interviews, and his beliefs are rooted in humanist principles rather than strict atheism.

Does anyone have specific examples of how Phillip Pullman's the Golden Compass promotes Atheism or attacks Christianity?

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"The Golden Compass" by Philip Pullman is known for its criticism of organized religion, particularly the oppressive nature of the church depicted in the story. The book explores themes of free will, questioning authority, and the exploration of multiple perspectives. While some readers interpret these themes as promoting atheism or attacking Christianity, others view it as sparking discussions about the role of religion in society. Ultimately, interpretations may vary depending on individual perspectives and beliefs.