


Terrorism includes acts of violence to spread a political or ideological message and create a state of terror among people. al-Qaeda, responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, is the most well known terrorist group.

1,289 Questions

What was the 1995 release of sarin gas in a Tokyo subway an example of?

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The 1995 release of sarin gas in a Tokyo subway was an example of a domestic terrorist attack carried out by the religious cult Aum Shinrikyo. The attack resulted in the deaths of 13 people and injured many more.

What is a pneumonia like biological agent likely to be used in a terrorist attack?

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A biological agent like anthrax, tularemia, or Legionella pneumophila could be used in a terrorist attack to cause pneumonia-like symptoms. These agents can be dispersed as aerosols, leading to respiratory infections and potentially widespread outbreaks. Early detection, rapid response, and appropriate treatment are crucial in mitigating the impact of such an attack.

How is anthrax used as a weapon of terrorism?

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Anthrax can be used as a bioterrorism weapon by dispersing spores into the air or water supply, leading to inhalation or ingestion by individuals. Once inside the body, the spores can germinate and cause severe illness and potentially death. This method can cause widespread panic and disruption.

Why do terrorist groups form?

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Terrorist groups can form due to various factors, such as ideological beliefs, political grievances, religious motivations, desire for power and control, or a response to perceived injustices. These groups often seek to achieve their goals through acts of violence and instilling fear in the population.

What are the effects of terrorism on people?

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Terrorism can cause fear, anxiety, and trauma among individuals. It can also lead to loss of life, physical injury, and psychological distress. Additionally, terrorism can result in long-term impacts on mental health and societal well-being.

How many terrorists are atheists?

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There is no definitive data on the religious beliefs of terrorists, as it varies among individuals and groups. It is important to avoid making broad generalizations based on the actions of a few individuals. Terrorism is a complex phenomenon that cannot be attributed solely to one's religious beliefs or lack thereof.

How much of the world's population of Muslims are terrorists?

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The vast majority of the world's 1.8 billion Muslims are not terrorists. Extremist groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda represent a tiny fraction of the global Muslim population. It is important not to equate Islam with terrorism as it promotes stereotypes and misunderstandings.

How much time does the average 40 year old spend crying per year?

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It's difficult to give an exact average time as it varies greatly from person to person. However, it's normal and healthy to experience emotions such as sadness and it's important to allow yourself to express them when needed. If you find that you are crying excessively or feeling overwhelmed, it may be helpful to seek support from a mental health professional.

What is the percentage of radical Muslims?

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It is difficult to provide an exact percentage as views and actions can vary widely among individuals who identify as radical Muslims. Radicalism is a complex and multifaceted issue that does not necessarily represent the beliefs of the entire Muslim population.

What is the population of Hezbollah?

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There is no official population count for Hezbollah, as it is a militant political group based in Lebanon. Estimates suggest that Hezbollah has tens of thousands of active members and a broader support base within the Lebanese Shia community.

How can young people show a responsible attitude towards population growth?

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Young people can show a responsible attitude towards population growth by advocating for and practicing family planning, educating themselves and others about the importance of sustainable population growth, and supporting policies and initiatives that promote access to reproductive health services. They can also engage in environmental conservation efforts to mitigate the impact of population growth on the environment.

Is terrorism an inevitable social evil?

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Terrorism is not an inevitable social evil, as it is driven by specific ideologies, grievances, and conditions. Efforts to address root causes such as political, economic, and social injustices can help prevent the spread of terrorism. Implementing effective counter-terrorism strategies, enhancing security measures, and promoting peace and understanding can also help mitigate the impact of terrorism on society.

You do what you believe and believe in what you do?

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Asked by EnnaDaniel

It's important to have belief in your actions and to stay true to your beliefs. Confidence in what you do can help you achieve your goals and stay committed to your values. Trusting yourself and your decisions can lead to a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

What organization was largely responsible for the internationalization of terrorism after World War 2?

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The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) played a significant role in the internationalization of terrorism after World War 2. It conducted numerous attacks on international targets to generate attention and support for its cause of Palestinian nationalism.

How long did grendel terrorize the Danes?

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Grendel terrorized the Danes for twelve years before being defeated by Beowulf.

When was Daniel Pearl kidnapped?

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Daniel Pearl, a journalist for The Wall Street Journal, was kidnapped on January 23, 2002 in Karachi, Pakistan.

How long has Isis been around?

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The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) emerged in 2013, evolving from the group previously known as al-Qaeda in Iraq. It gained significant territorial control in Iraq and Syria between 2014 and 2017 before facing military defeats. The organization continues to pose a threat through its global network and ongoing insurgency activities.

What are some bad things about terrorism?

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You kill people, go against your own people, and damage property. Hope this helps

What is the purpose of an advisory board?

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The purpose of an advisory board is to provide guidance, advice, and support to an organization or company. Advisory boards typically consist of individuals with expertise, knowledge, and experience in relevant areas, who can offer strategic advice and insights to help the organization make informed decisions and navigate challenges. The advisory board may also serve as a network for connections and opportunities.

Who would not support America's war on terrorism in the Middle East?

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There are several groups and individuals who may not support America's war on terrorism in the Middle East. First, pacifists and proponents of non-violence may oppose military interventions. Second, some people within the Middle Eastern countries affected by the war may see it as an unlawful invasion and occupation, leading to opposition. Lastly, those who believe in diplomatic solutions or alternative approaches to addressing terrorism may not support this specific military strategy.

What is a basic goal of terrorism as a method?

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A basic goal of terrorism as a method is to instill fear and terrorize a population or specific group of people. This is often done with the intention of achieving political, ideological, or religious objectives.

Emergency response to terrorism q534?

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Emergency response to terrorism involves various activities such as immediate deployment of law enforcement and security personnel, establishing command and control centers, securing the affected area, conducting evacuations if necessary, providing medical assistance to the injured, and investigating the incident to gather intelligence and prevent future attacks. It also involves collaborating with various agencies and organizations, coordinating with neighboring jurisdictions for support, and communicating with the public to provide updates and safety instructions.

Why is terrorism so hard to define?

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Terrorism is difficult to define because it is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon with no universally accepted definition. It often involves the deliberate use of violence against civilians or non-combatants for political, ideological, or religious motives. However, different actors and countries may have varying interpretations of what constitutes terrorism, leading to differing definitions based on context and perspective. Additionally, the evolving nature of terrorism and the emergence of new tactics and ideologies further contribute to the challenge of defining it definitively.

What is terrorism and how has it affected peoples lifes?

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Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation to achieve political, religious, or ideological goals. It has affected people's lives in various ways, including loss of loved ones, psychological trauma, displacement, and a sense of insecurity. Terrorism has also led to changes in security measures and policies, impacting civil liberties and creating a climate of fear and suspicion.

Terrorists or terrorism is the label applied not by the perpetrators of the violence but by?

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external actors such as governments, media organizations, or international bodies. It is a subjective term used to describe acts of violence that are politically motivated and target civilians in order to instill fear and advance a particular agenda. However, the exact definition and interpretation of terrorism can vary among different actors and contexts.