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Everything was created by God (Genesis ch.1). Humans are the pinnacle of creation because only they have a God-given soul (Genesis 2:7). See also:

Is there evidence for Creation?

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Yes! We are made in God's own image! Now wouldn't you call that special?

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Q: Are humans a special creation
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Similarities between the Hindu and the Catholic creation story?

Both the Hindu and Catholic creation stories involve a divine being creating the universe out of nothing, and both emphasize the divine power and wisdom behind creation. Additionally, both traditions hold that humans are a special creation with a unique purpose in the world.

What is God's greatest creation?


What way are humans special regarded best of all creation?

I would say that we have the gift of abstract thinking and opinion also we can communicate with other humans and express our views withdetail but we over estimate ourselves and we are just like all animals

Sixth day of creation?

sixth day of creation "god" made humans in his "own" picture.

Who is the protector of all God's creation?

Humans have been given the role of caring for creation on earth.

Who are you to God?

You are special, you are His creation, you are beautifully made.

What is the biblical view of special creation?

Well, I actually never heard that term 'special creation'. But I think it explains itself: Any, and All Creation, is Special. It is unique. All things created are Different from the next creation; and different from the last creation. There are too many unique & different SYSTEMS within each creation, which makes the whole package a 'special creation'. For example: A chicken eats gravel; they bathe in dry dirt; they have no front arms to pick up food with; they can balance on a perch; etc. These are all 'different systems'; each different item is a 'special creation' all by itself. A duck loves the water; loves slugs; has a bill instead of a beak, which works something like a vacuum cleaner, with a filter system; they have webbed feet; do not balance on a perch; they have much more power in their body than a chicken. A pig loves the mud; it's skin does not breathe nor sweat; it has a snout which works differently from a bill, and a beak. It has 4 legs, but still can't pick anything up with the front ones; has no wings. Every little item mentioned is a very unique and 'special creation'. Likewise when Jehovah God created this thing called 'man-kind'. He created mankind 'in his image'. That was a 'special creation'. Animal-kind was not created 'in God's image'. When humans have babies; that's also a 'special creation'.

Did god make human beings stewards of creation?

Yes, God made humans stewards, or caretakers of the creation.

what does theory of special creation say?

In creationism, special creation is a theological doctrine which states that the universe and all life in it originated in its present form by unconditional fiat or divine decree.

What is the meaning of special creation as a non-scientific hypothesis?


Which creation myth does not say that humans were created from dust?

The Norse myth.

What is the disorder introduced by humans into God's plan for creation?

Human nature