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Since UFOs are unidentified, it is unknown what is inside of them.

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Q: Are humans inside of UFOs
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Are UFOs seen in Antarctica?

Where humans and alcohol are, UFOs will be.

Have UFOs ever gone to Mars?

Since no humans have visited Mars, it is unsure. But Mars is often mistaken for UFOs because of how bright the planet is.

How does a UFO affect humans?

UFOs make humans scratch their heads; that is, until they figure out what they're looking at.

Will UFOs ever come down to earth to learn from us?

UFOs are very often seen on Earth, and nobody knows what is inside of one. If there are truly UFOs from space, when they supposedly come to Earth they may already be learning from us.

Can everyone build UFOs?

I guess you could but it would defeat the whole purpose. If you built it then it's identifiable. UFOs by nature have to be unidentifed, coming from a place that is not Earth, or unlike anything we as humans can build.

Do UFO kills humans?

No Most people don't even believe in Ufos so no need to be worried

What drives a UFO?

UFOs are unidentified flying objects, since they are unknown, nobody knows what is inside of them.

Are humans alone?

humans are not alone their are millions of creatures lying in space . These are called aliens . They have UFOs . When the earth comes to an end we can go to different galaxy's but their are no aliens in are galaxy.

Where can you find the most ufos or aliens?

Aliens, by definition, primarily reside in space or in the planets inside of space. Should you want to find UFOs, the best bet is to situate yourself by some sort of experimental aircraft base and hide from yourself the fact that the UFOs you see are likely experimental aircraft.

Who believes in UFO's?

All kinds of people. UFOs are real (unidentified flying objects), but aliens don't have to be inside of them.

What is the meaning of extraterrestrial?

Extraterrestrial are unknown humans. They are humans, but different kinds from different planets. Like aliens and UFOs. The scientific community think this is true. They think they come from planets beyond Earth...

Are there white UFOs?

There have been reports of sightings of white UFOs.