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In the future, hybrid cars will cost roughly the same to repair, as there will be many more on the road.

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Q: Are hybrid cars more expensive to repair in the future?
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What is the future of hybrid cars?

I believe the future of hybrid cars is very positive. With gas being so expensive, they are a great cost effective alternative to regular vehicles using gas.

Where can I find info about the future of hybrid cars?

The future of hybrid cars can be found on many websites for automobile companies themselves. For the ideal future hybrid car, you can read President Obama's statements on where the hybrid car should be in the next decade.

Why are hybrid cars cheap?

They are fairly expensive compared to conventional cars.

Cost of Hybrid Battery Repair?

If you require a hybrid battery repair, then chances are that you probably require a new hybrid battery as well. The entire process of changing a battery within a hybrid vehicle can be quite time consuming and expensive. A full set of batteries for a hybrid car will cost anywhere from $2,500 to $3,500. In addition, there are often fees charged by dealerships to install these batteries for hybrid cars.

Why are Volvo cars expensive to insure?

Because they are expensive to repair if they have an accident.

Does future electric cars have good prospect?

I believe that hybrid cars have a brighter future than just electric cars do. Hybrid cars can always run off gas, and do not require charging, which offers a more convinience and longer commute ability.

What are some dodge hybrid cars?

Currently Dodge does not sell hybrid cars. However, Dodge has developed some hybrid prototypes that may be available to consumers in the near future.

Stylish BMW Hybrid Cars?

When hybrid cars were first created, there were mainly distributed by auto makers like Ford and General Motors. They definitely were not something that designer auto makers were distributing within their own lines of products. Now, however, you can get your hands on BMW hybrid cars. BMW hybrid cars will be more expensive than hybrid cars from Ford or General Motors. The main reason they are more expensive is due to their brand name.

Are hybrid cars more economical than conventional cars?

Maybe, but if you factor in manufacturing and recycling costs of batteries and the hybrid drive system it can be more expensive.

Are hybrid cars more costly to repair than regular cars?

yes. because they take more technology.

Are there any convertible hybrid cars?

Currently there are no convertible hybrid cars available for purchase in the US. However, many companies such as Saab and Lexus have unveiled new convertable hybrid concept cars that maybe available to consumers in the near future.

Future of Hybrid Cars?

There have been a lot of opinions given regarding the future of hybrid cars. Some of these opinions from experts are quite optimistic. For example, a lot of experts believe that hybrid cars will be very affordable in the future. Experts believe as the demand for hybrids rise the price will eventually decline. Consumers will be able to save significantly on gas without spending a fortune on a car.