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I believe the future of hybrid cars is very positive. With gas being so expensive, they are a great cost effective alternative to regular vehicles using gas.

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Q: What is the future of hybrid cars?
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Are hybrid cars more expensive to repair in the future?

In the future, hybrid cars will cost roughly the same to repair, as there will be many more on the road.

Where can I find info about the future of hybrid cars?

The future of hybrid cars can be found on many websites for automobile companies themselves. For the ideal future hybrid car, you can read President Obama's statements on where the hybrid car should be in the next decade.

Does future electric cars have good prospect?

I believe that hybrid cars have a brighter future than just electric cars do. Hybrid cars can always run off gas, and do not require charging, which offers a more convinience and longer commute ability.

What are some dodge hybrid cars?

Currently Dodge does not sell hybrid cars. However, Dodge has developed some hybrid prototypes that may be available to consumers in the near future.

Are there any convertible hybrid cars?

Currently there are no convertible hybrid cars available for purchase in the US. However, many companies such as Saab and Lexus have unveiled new convertable hybrid concept cars that maybe available to consumers in the near future.

Future of Hybrid Cars?

There have been a lot of opinions given regarding the future of hybrid cars. Some of these opinions from experts are quite optimistic. For example, a lot of experts believe that hybrid cars will be very affordable in the future. Experts believe as the demand for hybrids rise the price will eventually decline. Consumers will be able to save significantly on gas without spending a fortune on a car.

Great Innovation Comes from Concept Hybrid Cars?

There are a lot of great concept cars coming out for hybrids, and they can give you a little bit of a window into what the future holds for hybrid cars. If you find concept hybrid cars, then you'll get a good idea of what's coming down the pipeline well before it ever comes into being. Knowing where a company sees itself going in the future tells you a lot about the coming times.

What country has hybrid cars?

all countries have hybrid cars

Do hybrid cars run on the sun?

Hybrid cars do not run on the power of the sun. Hybrid cars use a battery and gas to run.

Where do I go to find the best hybrid convertible for sale?

Unfortunately, there is no such car as of yet. This website, however, does give some information on what might be happening in the future!

What warranties do the hybrid cars that are listed offer?

The warranties of hybrid cars are dependent upon the manufacturer of the hybrid car. Most hybrid cars come with the standard manufacturer warranty.

What is another word for Hybrid cars?

another word for hybrid cars are bunnies