

Are hydrogen bonds stable

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Are hydrogen bonds stable
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How does Hydrogen Bonding affect the density of ice?

Water is less dense as a solid than as a liquid. This unusual property of water is due to hydrogen bonds. As water freezes, each molecule forms stable hydrogen bonds with its neighbors, holding them at "arm's length" and creating a three dimensional crystal. In Ice Hydrogen bonds are stable In liquid water hydrogen bonds constantly break and reform.

Why is the boiling point of water greater than hydrogen sulfide?

because in water between hydrogen and oxygen hydrogen bonds are more stable but it is not in dihydrogensulphide .

Which bond is more stable either carbon hydrogen bond or carbon deuterium?

Deuterium-carbon bonds are generally 6-10 times more stable than carbon-hydrogen bond.

Why do elements for bonds?

Elements for bonds because they have a high tendency to be stable, this means that they have high tendency to attain the octet or doublet rule (only in the case of hydrogen).

What chemical groups are hydrogen acceptors for hydrogen bonds?

A hydrogen acceptors for hydrogen bonds is nitrogen.

What holdes the two strands of a DNA molecule to each other?

Hydrogen bonds

How are bonds between A-T and G-C different?

It is the hydrogen wich bonds between AT and GC the difference is in the number AT have 2 hydrogen bonds GC have 3 hydrogen bonds

What hydrogen isotopes are stable?

Hydrogen-1 and hydrogen-2 isotopes are radioactively stable.

What is a result of intermolecular forces out of covalent bonds hydrogen bonds electronegativity double bonds?

hydrogen bonds

How much hydrogen bonds are in hf?

There are no hydrogen bonds in HF.

Why are 2 hydrogen needed for every oxygen atom in the formation of water?

There is a concept in chemistry called valence, which is the number of bonds an atom can form to make a stable compound or molecule. Oxygen has a valence of 2, meaning it needs 2 bonds to form stable molecules. Hydrogen has a valence of 1. So, to satisfy the valences of both elements, two hydrogen atoms bond to one oxygen atom.

What is the weakest bond type?

It is not covalent, because it is the strongest type. The Correct answer is van der Waals.