

Are iPod Touches different sizes

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes. The second and third generation iPod Touch are the same size. Ipod Touch 4G or fourth generation, is thinner and weighs less.

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Q: Are iPod Touches different sizes
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No. Only iPod touches 4th generation and above can record video, as these are the only iPod touches with cameras.

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There hasn't been a rise of reported iPod Touches that broke on their own. iPod Touches do have the ability to break, but the construction is pretty sturdy to where it is not often the iPod Touch completely breaks. Although iPod Touches do break, it is not likely they will break on their own.

Will iPod Touches come in different colors?

Technology is really improving these days, so I think they will come up with colored iPod touches, but for now, its just black that you can get colored cases/accessories for them. :)

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Can you regester 2 different ipod touches on itunes?

Yes!! it has the same Username, Two different ipod serial no. Still you can sync your ipod, by marking check or uncheck right side of the song.

What colors do ipod touches have?

the ipod touches mostly have black i havent seen anyother colors