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Nope. Research has shown that DNA in twins is different, especially in copy number varitations, which refers to when a gene exists in multiple copies, or a set of letters in the DNA is actually missing. These variations are suspected to lead to increased defense against some infections, or vulnerability to others.
Their genes are very similar.

Because the two embryos are the result of a single egg/sperm combination, they have the same genetic origins. They have the same DNA. however, they don't have the same finger prints

Almost! While the sequence begins identical, epigenetics (environmental type factors) appear to cause them to change over time.

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6y ago
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16y ago

Answer If the twins are formed from the same egg cell (identical twins), then they are genetically the same, but if they are formed by two different eggs each fertilized individually by two different sperm(fraternal twins), then they can be genetically different and usually are.

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15y ago

Identical twins have identical chromosomes with identical genes.

Non-identical twins have similar chromosomes but some genes differ between the two people.

All people have the same sets of chromosomes (barring occasional anomalies). The reason identical (monozygotic) twins have the same genes is that they started life as one fertilized egg (zygote), which began to divide to form one embryo, but subsequently split into two, each of which formed a complete human being.

So the cells of identical twins are as alike as the cells of your arm and leg; they come from the same sperm and egg.

Non-identical (dizygotic or fraternal) twins developed from two different zygotes, that formed when two genetically different sperms fertilized two genetically different ova that happened both to be mature at the same time. Non-identical twins are no more alike genetically than any other siblings (brothers and sisters).

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12y ago

It is impossible for anyone to have the same DNA even twins.Twins have identical DNA...because there r things that make them different. They are two different persons.

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12y ago

Yes, they have identical genomes and alleles.

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12y ago

No: fraternal twins are created when there are two entirely separate children in the womb at the same time. The children are related in the same way two ordinary siblings are related.

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12y ago

not always identical twins hpick the same looks but some have different personalities

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Identical twins have the same set of?


Can genes of two persons be identical?

The genes of identical twins are identical because the twins come from one egg that has split after fertilization. Fraternal twins are not identical since they come from two eggs but have occupied the mother's womb at the same time.

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Yes, identical twins are born with the same DNA.

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If their genetic makeup is identical then they are identical twins.

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Identical twins. Although horses sometimes have twins I'm not sure if they have identical twins.

What do identical twins have the same sat of?

They have the same set of chromosomes, which can be also stated as having the same set of genes.

Two horses with identical genes can be called?

Depending on how they got identical genes, they may be clones (if it was done artificially, and they were born at different times), or if they were born at the same time, they could be identical twins. However, I don't think horses ever have twins.

Why do identical twins have the same genotype?

Identical twins have the same genotype because they have the exact same genes. Identical twins are formed when one fertilized egg (zygote) splits in two and each of the now two zygotes each develop into different beings. Identical twins are therefore referred to as monozyygotic twins and they have the same DNA.

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a similar but not identical combination of genes.

Why does identical twins not have the same weight and Skin colour?

Eye colour is caused by genetics whereas the weight of a person depends on how they life their life (how healthily they eat or how much exercise they do) so it is an environmental variation. Identical twins have the same genes so have the same eye colour.

What kinds of twins are there?

Identical and Fraternal There are identical and fraternal. Fraternal twins happen when 2 different embryos start growing at the same time, so you get a brother and a sister or 2 sisters or 2 brothers that are the same age. Identical twins happen when 1 embryo splits into 2 embryos when it is only a few cells big, so both babies have the same genes.

Can fingerprints be a gene?

No, because identical twins which share identical genes have distinct fingerprints.