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phiysical because it helps it

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Q: Are instinctive migration and hibernation behavioral adaptations?
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What are the physiological behavioral and structural adaptations of three animals?

Bird migration and the hibernation of some animals during the cold seasons are behavioral adaptations. The physiological adaptations relate to the general functioning of the body.

Migration hibernation and estivation are all examples of what kind of faunal adaptations?


Is geese hibernation a learned behavior?

Geese do not hibernate; they migrate. The migration in and of itself is instinctive, but they must learn the route.

What is the instinctive movement of a population?

The instinctive movement of animals is known as migration.

How is Behavior and migration related?

Migration is made possible through behavioral adaptations. An animal typically migrates to find food, escape drastic seasonal changes, or to mate.

What is an antonym for migration?


What adaptations would be found among deciduous forest animal?

migration and hibernation are adaptions of animals in this region another behavoril adaption is food storage.

Is migration hibernation?

No. To migrate is to move. Hibernation is to sleep through the winter months.

What are 2 behavioral adaptations?

Behavioral Adaptations:Behavioral adaptations are the things organisms do to survive. For example, bird calls and migration are behavioral adaptations.A cat learns to lean on its haunches to keep quiet when huntingA giraffe's long neck is a physical adaptationAn elephant's trunk to suck in water and blow it out over its body to keep cool.

Is migration or hibernation the adaptation in which the body processes of an organism slow down winter?


How are hibernation and migration related?

animals do both

What is the noun in this sentence However some manage to survive by hibernation or migration?

The nouns in the sentence are hibernation and migration, compound object of the preposition 'by'.