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At normal temperature ionic compounds are neither liquid nor gas they are always solid compounds.

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Q: Are ionic compounds usually liquids or gasses?
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Why are ionic liquids used in batteries but ionic compounds are not?

Ionic solids are not dissociated in ions.

What type of compounds can exist as liquids solids or gases?

Ionic compounds conduct electricity as liquids and in solution.

Are ionic compounds are usually what?

They usually have ions

Do ionic compounds form crystals?

Usually ionic compounds form crystals when in their solid state.

Which state are ionic compound at room temperature?

The usual state of an ionic compound at room temperature and pressure is usually solid because the ions in the ionic compound are held by strong ionic bonds that requires a large amount of energy to overcome these bonds.

In which state do ionic compounds usually exist at room temperature?

due to strong electrostatic forces ionic compounds usually exist as solids at room temperature.

Which element forms an ionic compound when it reacts with lithium?

Bromine (Br) All nonmetals except the noble gasses will react with lithium to form ionic compounds.

Which element forms an ionic compound when it forms with lithium?

Bromine (Br) All nonmetals except the noble gasses will react with lithium to form ionic compounds.

Are ionic compounds always brittle?

No. Some of them are liquids at room temperature, and most of them can be melted at higher temperature.

Is salt a substance of mixtures?

salts are usually ionic compounds.

Does sodium and neon form an ionic compound?

Normally, noble gasses don't go into any compounds. Hydrogen gas will though.

What are two physical properties that differ between covalent and ionic bonds?

There are more than two. In general: Covalent compounds have low melting and boiling points while ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points. Ionic compounds are good conductors of electricity when melted, while covalent compounds are not. Ionic compounds are soluble in water, while covalent compounds are soluble in non-polar liquids. These are the essentials, but other differences exist. All of these are generalizations, exceptions do occur.