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Klonopin (also: Clonazapam) is in a class of medications called benzodiazapines. It is known as an "addictive" medication because, as with most benzodiazpines, people build up a tolerance to the medication, sometimes very quickly.

Tolerance means that the medication can tend to lose its effectiveness if a person takes the very same amount over time. It will seem like the medication has stopped working. A person may feel like they need more of the medication to obtain the same effect. If the dosage is increased over time to keep getting same effect, eventually a person's body will begin to "need" it to keep from having withdrawal. A doctor will often slowly bring the dosage of this kind of medication down slowly in order to avoid uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal.

Tolerance and withdrawal are two key components of addiction. This is why Klonopin has a reputation as an "addictive" medication. It certainly has its place and there are many good uses. It must be used with caution and always taken as prescribed.

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